Township management prepares the annual budget and balances
revenues and expenditures to provide the best possible services.
Township revenues come from many sources, with property tax
and earned income tax being the two largest revenue sources.
Shaler Township 2019 budget includes:
Property Tax
Property Tax Revenue:
$4,290,000.00 35% of revenue
Earned Income Tax Revenue:
$4,100,000.00 33% of revenue
Other Revenue Sources: 32% of revenue
(Other revenue includes funding from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, cable television franchise fees, charges
for Township services which include building and zoning fees, recreation fees and other authorized taxes including local
services tax and deed transfer tax.)
The 2019 Township Budget is $12,327,677.00.
The 2019 Township millage rate is 2.49 mills.
PROPERTY TAX REVENUE: The average Shaler Township residential home has an assessed value for
2018 of $127,249. At the current millage rate of 2.49 mills, the average homeowner pays $316.85 in
property taxes. The Township utilizes property tax revenues along with the other revenue sources to fund
the following departments:
General Government ............... including elected officials, Township and financial management, legal
service and Township engineering. ($1,412,002.00)
Public Safety ............................... which includes police, volunteer fire companies, Shaler Hampton EMS
and the building and zoning department. ($5,225,045.00)
Public Works ................................. all functions of public works including road paving, MS-4, snow
removal and storm sewer management. ($3,891,469.00)
Parks & Recreation...................... This budget includes support staff for Township park maintenance
of Crawford Pool at Kiwanis Park, support for the
Shaler North Hills Library and the many community activities
that are sponsored by the Township including the July 4th celebration.
Through prudent fiscal management the Township has no debt service and has maintained the
current property tax rate since 2013. Township elected officials and management recognize that a
great community is comprised of various activities for all residents. We strive to meet this goal with
a variety of programs that are available to all. It is essential that we continue to work together to
ensure that these needs are met and the Township continues to provide the best service available.
FALL 2019