IN Shaler Area Fall 2024 | Page 12

Over the years , the Township has experienced severe flooding in areas along various streams in the Township . We often hear the suggestion to “ dredge the streams ” after we have a flooding incident . It ’ s often assumed that dredging is a property solution to prevent flooding and that cutting down trees along waterways would alleviate the problem . The truth is that neither of these activities commonly prevent flooding and they can actually make flooding worse .
Dredging is the act of removing gravel , sand , mud or other sediment from the bed of a waterway . However , stream sediment occurs naturally , and if it is simply removed , the stream eventually will return to its original natural state . Dredging is complicated and expensive and should occur only with an engineered plan that includes measures to eliminate or control the sediment source . Usually dredging is not the answer because sediment buildup isn ’ t the main problem . The bigger issue tends to be debris , such as trees and manmade items , that make their way into the stream and cause the water to backup . Debris , compounded by unusual rainfall , is a recipe for flooding .

Mowing right up to the edge of a stream bed is never a good idea . Grass has very shallow roots and does not hold the stream bank together . To remain stable , creeks need woody vegetation on their banks . These root systems reach down into the soil and hold the stream bank together , helping prevent earth from eroding into the creek . Dead trees and vegetation can be removed carefully and taken away so they don ’ t fall into the waterway and cause blockage downstream , but live trees should remain . In 2023 , the Township spent $ 11,564 to remove trees that had fallen into the stream beds in an effort to prevent flooding . haler

Bauerstown VFD www . bauerstownvfd . com Hall Rental Information : bauerstownvfd . com / hall-rentals Membership Applications : bauerstownvfd . com / membership Facebook : facebook . com / Bauerstown259 /
Cherry City VFD www . cherrycityvfc . org
• Thanks to all our residents and friends of our fire company who supported our 84th Annual Street Fair and $ 10,000 Raffle held in July .
• It ’ s never too late to send in a donation , no matter if it ’ s big or small , all is appreciated !
• We have the cheapest entry fee in town to play at our weekly Bingo held on Thursdays beginning at 7:15 PM . $ 1,000 must-go Jackpot along with many other exciting games to play and win !
• Our 2025 PA Daily Number Lottery Calendars are on sale now . Get them before we sell out !
• Stop over and inspect our recently delivered 2024 Seagrave Pumper / Rescue ! This newest piece of firefighting equipment took a few years of careful planning / research and compliments our current Ladder and Rescue Trucks .
• We are always looking for new members . You don ’ t have to fight fires to belong ! We have many classes of membership ; one will surely fit into your lifestyle . We love giving back to our community , and you will too !
Elfinwild VFD www . elfinwildfire . com
Hi neighbors ! What a busy summer . Can you believe school starts in a few weeks ? Over the last month , we sponsored a Summer 911 Camp at the station along with selling “ pumper club 2.0 ” raffle tickets . These events help support our fundraising efforts to purchase new equipment . If you have a special event and need a banquet facility close to home , please reach out to have a personal tour of our space . The station has a built banquet facility with handicap accessible bathrooms ideal for your family party or weekday business meeting ! Spots are filling up for 2025 ! Thank you for supporting and donating to Elfinwild Volunteer Fire Company ! Stop by any Monday night if you are interested in learning more about being part of our service . Stay safe !
Shaler Villa VFC www . shalervillavfc . com
Sharps Hill VFD www . sharpshillvfd . org
Undercliff VFC www . undercliffvfc . org
From all of us here at Undercliff VFC , we would like to extend a sincere thank you for all your continued support ! Did you know 2024 marks 115 years of service to the community for Undercliff VFC ? That ’ s right ! We have been providing fire protection services since we were organized in 1909 ! We have some exciting things happening this year too ! We recently placed our new UTV unit in service , which is an offroad 4X4 unit that will allow us to get to fires and patients that are in areas where conventional vehicles cannot get to . Our new Seagrave fire engine is also set to be delivered this summer , which will serve the community for many years to come . None of this would be possible without your continued support and generosity . All the money we raise goes right back into the community to help support our mission of providing our residents , visitors , and businesses with first class fire and rescue services . Our yearly mailer fund drive will be kicking off soon , and we ask that you please consider donating if you are able to do so . Below are some current fundraisers happening at Undercliff VFC . Thank you once again for your support . We could not do it without you !
2024 Car Raffle :
• Drawing on Labor Day ! Monday , September 2 , 2024 ( Based on Evening PA Lottery “ Pick 4 ”)
• $ 15 per ticket with two chances per ticket
• Tickets available in person at the station or online at undercliffvfc . org .
Weekly Friday Night Bingo : Our BINGO is temporarily closed for building renovations ! Stay tuned to our website and social media for a grand reopening date this fall !
Weekly Online Raffles :
• Be sure to follow us on Facebook (@ UndercliffVFC ) to participate in our online raffles each week .