IN Ross Township Summer 2016 | Page 39

N orth Hills School District students were named finalists in the 2016 Shakespeare Monologue and Scene Contest sponsored by the Pittsburgh Public Theater. Highcliff Elementary School fifth-graders Margret Edlinger and Hunter Spuntak and North Hills High School junior Alec Duquette topped hundreds of fellow competitors in the contest’s preliminary round to advance to the finalist showcase at the O’Reilly Theater. Margaret and Hunter presented a scene from “As You Like It” as Phoebe and Silvius, while Alec Duquette performed a monologue as Arthur in “King John.” Highcliff fifth-graders Sophie Miller, Gianna Campanella, Jocelyn Young, Taylor Schank and Gabby Merriman earned an honorable mention for their team’s performance of a scene from “A Comedy of Errors.” More than 1,300 students participated in the yearly contest that is open to elementary, middle and high school students in grades four to 12. Only a fraction of the students are chosen as finalists. To prepare for the contest, for weeks students rehearsed and memorized their scenes which were required to be under five minutes. To reach the finalist round, the students performed their scenes at the O’Reilly Theater before a panel of distinguished judges and outshone their peers to earn an invitation to perform in front of a different panel of judges. Ross Township | Summer 2016 | 37 N OR TH HI L L S SC HOOL DI STRI C T N E WS North Hills Students Advanced to 2016 PPT Shakespeare Monologue and Scene Contest Finals It is here already! North Hills School District families are encouraged to schedule kindergarten registration appointments for the 2016-17 school year now. Please contact your student’s school office to schedule an appointment time.  Appointments are strongly recommended. • Highcliff Elementary: 412.318.1582 • McIntyre Elementary: 412.318.1622 • Ross Elementary: 412.318.1542 • West View Elementary: 412.318.1503 Kindergarten registration packets are available from any of the district’s elementary schools or in the lobby of the district’s administration center. Packets also may be downloaded from the district’s website. The packets provide necessary forms as well as information regarding required documents – such as proofs of residency and health immunizations – for kindergarten entrance. West View and Highcliff Elementary students attend classes from 8:30 to 3 p.m. daily, and McIntyre and Ross Elementary students attend classes from 9:15 to 3:45 p.m. daily. Students registering for kindergarten must be five years of age before Sept. 1, 2016, to be enrolled for the 2016-17 school year. Registration is limited to residents of the North Hills School District, which includes Ross Township and West View Borough. For more information regarding kindergarten, contact Dr. Marilyn J. Cain, assistant superintendent for elementary education, at 412.318.1006 or email [email protected]. Nor th Hills School District Kindergarten Registration