70Years of Service
The Perry Highland Women ’ s Association celebrates over 70 years of giving back to the community while welcoming new members to join the cause .
For over 70 years the Perry Highland Women ’ s Association ( PHWA ) has been dedicated to making a difference in the community . The group has a long-standing history of helping to fill the needs of the underserved and assisting those in need throughout Ross Township and surrounding communities .
The organization was established in 1951-52 as a junior women ’ s club , an offshoot of the Perry Highland
Women ’ s Club . The group first met at the Highland Church — and that seems to be where the group ’ s name came from .
PHWA is one of the few women ’ s organizations still active after all these years , surviving wars , pandemics and everything in between . In recent years , the group has maintained a membership of approximately 45 to 50 women and are always looking for new members to be a part of the organization .
Members participate in many charitable activities throughout the year . All the money earned through fundraising projects is given back to the community through local agencies and charities .
“ We have supported many agencies over the years including the West View Hub ( last year ’ s President ’ s Project ), Hearth , It ’ s About the Warrior , NH Food Bank , NH Backpack Program and Shepherd ’ s Heart — to name just a few ,” says Kathleen Candioto , the club ’ s current president .
“ We also offer an academic scholarship each year , which we promote through local schools and agencies throughout the North Hills area ,” she continues . “ This year ’ s recipient was a member of NH High School Class of 2022 , Matthew Kulka , who will be attending Duquesne University in the fall .”
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