utilizing what has already been written and ‘ mapping ’ everything ever published , it has created a history that has never been written before .”
The easiest way to find the North Hills map is by searching “ History of the North Hills ” through Google and finding the link uploaded on Reddit .
After the lack of in-person meetings due to COVID-19 and the unfortunate passing of many of the group ’ s older members , Schalcosky is looking to reorganize the historical society again from the ground up . He would love to do more things within the community by continuing to represent the history of the North Hills in a way that is accessible to everyone , in addition to memorializing historical residents of the past .
“ I spend most of my time researching the broad history of Allegheny County and post whatever fascinates me on my main social media pages on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram — all can be found by searching @ OddPittsburgh . I don ’ t have an agenda to follow within my social media pages and have the freedom to post only what interests me , and hopefully inspire others to join ,” says Schalcosky . “ I plan on using the mapping technology to hopefully compile Pittsburgh ’ s history as it has never been seen before . I have map ideas ranging from comprehensive film and TV history , to local music history , African American history and Native American history . The sky ’ s the limit !
“ I am also more than happy to collaborate with anyone in the future who shares this insatiable quest for knowledge .” He can be contacted through his social media pages , or email oddpittsburgh @ gmail . com . n