Habitat for Humanity of Greater Pittsburgh hosted its 16th Annual Kids Triathlon Series ! This series is the longest-standing youth race in the Pittsburgh area , and consisted of two events : the first race , which was held on July 23 at the South Park Wave Pool , hosted near 200 young athletes ages 7 through 12 ; the second race was held on Aug . 6 at the North Park Swimming Pool , and approximately 400 young athletes ages 7 through 15 participated . The young athletes swam , biked and ran to the finish line to raise money for the affordable housing programs of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Pittsburgh . Athletes of all abilities were encouraged to participate . Each participant received a goodie bag and a finisher ' s medal , and qualified to win trophies and other prizes .
Since the inception of the Kids Triathlon Series 16 years ago , these races have raised over $ 750,000 for Habitat ’ s local affordable housing programs . Athletes were encouraged to get involved in the fundraising by asking their friends and family for pledges , either in person or online , through a “ friendraising ” platform . The top two fundraisers for the entire Kids Triathlon Series were announced at the North Park race . These fundraising champions won the opportunity to pick out a new bicycle at a local Pro Bike and Run store ! For more information , contact Colleen Cadman at ccadman @ pittsburghhabitat . org .
About Habitat for Humanity of Greater Pittsburgh
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Pittsburgh is dedicated to the elimination of substandard housing in Allegheny County . Since 1986 , the organization has provided affordable homeownership to nearly 80 low-income families . Habitat works in partnership
with people everywhere , from all walks of life , to develop communities by building and renovating houses so that there are decent houses in decent communities in which people can live and grow . For more information , visit pittsburghhabitat . org . You can also find it on Facebook at facebook . com / HFHGreaterPittsburgh and on Twitter at twitter . com / HabitatGP .
Be sure to join in on this year ’ s World of Mae 5K and 1-Mile FunRun scheduled for Oct . 1 at Hartwood Acres . The event will include a 5K and 1-mile handicapped-friendly course as well as free face painting , Henna tattoo artistry , Hula Hoop Troop Interactive Entertainment , live music every half-mile , basket raffles , food , beverages and much more ! Proceeds benefit Ada Mae Grashow .
Ada Mae Grashow is seven years old with Phelan McDermid Syndrome ( PMS ), an extremely rare genetic disorder . Despite being nonverbal , Ada ’ s message is powerful and the Grashows want to help others by sharing her story . “ Learning about Ada ’ s diagnosis when she was just over age five allowed us to start understanding the mysteries we were constantly experiencing . By bringing awareness to PMS , Ada ’ s story sparks empathy and acceptance for individuals with disabilities . Because PMS is so rare , we hope to promote earlier diagnosis and help other families get the proper treatment that their loved ones with PMS deserve ,” says her mother , Katie Grashow . The Grashows ’ foundation , World of Mae , is dedicated to empowering Ada as well as the surrounding community . World of Mae holds an annual festival uniquely designed to celebrate people of ALL abilities and disabilities .
For more information and to follow Ada ’ s story , visit facebook . com / worldofmae . home or email kathryngrashow @ yahoo . com .
Greybrooke Garden Club , whose members reside in various communities of the North Hills , will hold a garage sale fundraiser on Saturday , Oct . 1 , from 8 a . m . to noon in Fellowship Hall of Parkwood United Presbyterian Church located at 4289 Mt . Royal Boulevard in Hampton Township . Proceeds from this fundraiser help support the club ’ s annual donations to conservation and charitable community organizations . Everyone is welcome ! For more information , contact Barbro Kelley at 412.296.0538 .
North Hills Community Outreach will be offering many fun-filled programs and events for all ages . Below are just a few ! Visit nhco . org for a more complete list of upcoming events and more information .
Financial Donations to NHCO Can Be Matched
An anonymous donor is once again providing a dollar-for-dollar match for financial contributions to North Hills Community Outreach . The first $ 25,000 in financial donations made by individual donors between July 1 and Dec . 31 will be matched . About 40 percent of NHCO ’ s donations come from individuals , and 86 percent of funds go directly to serve local families in crisis , hardship and poverty . Donations can be made online at nhco . org / donate or sent to NHCO , 1975 Ferguson Road , Allison Park , 15101 .
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