Conceptual Drawing of the McMurray Town Center
In December of 2013 , the Peters Township Comprehensive Plan ( Plan Peters 2022 ) was adopted as a plan for the future growth of the Township . Plan Peters 2022 is a policy guide — meaning its intention is to create a framework for local land use and capital investment decision over a ten to 20-year timeframe . This plan reflects the input that the Township received from many of its citizens and stakeholders who have expressed how the Township should grow in the years to come .
Plan Peters 2022 uses several guiding principles toward a rational growth strategy including the promotion of unique activity centers , an emphasis on housing choice and diversity , an effort to stay forever green , a focus on building Township character and identity , an increase in transportation choice and walkability , an enhancement of the Municipal Advantage , and an advancement in education and Township services .
To ensure that these enhancements come to fruition within the Township , zoning is used as a key mechanism for achieving a desired land use pattern and quality of development , as advocated in Plan Peters 2022 . The proposed new zoning ordinance and zoning map has been rewritten using the Comprehensive Plan as a guide . Each zoning district identifies compatible uses best suited to the character of the area and existing development patterns . New residential zoning districts ( CR-MR Overlay ) will provide flexibility to promote conservation values and protect open space , woodlands , and prime farmland . Additionally , residential standards and guidelines will provide the opportunity to expand housing choices available within the community — a notion expressed throughout the Plan Peters 2022 planning process .
Commercial zoning districts will integrate mixed uses and unique commercial opportunities appropriate for the Rt . 19 corridor , the Venetia-Hackett area ( the Southeast portion of the Township ), and the McMurray Town Center . The Town Center ( TC ), Mixed-Use Activity Centers ( MA ), and Village Mixed-Use ( VM ) zoning district provisions will provide opportunities for residents to live , work and play within a vibrant , attractive , and walkable environment . Generally , the Rt . 19 corridor from our border with Upper St . Clair to the Donaldson ’ s Crossroads intersection will maintain the existing zoning district . Mixed-Use corridors on Valley Brook and Venetia will remain unchanged .
The proposed update of the zoning map and ordinances will maintain Peters Township as a bedroom community of rural and village character with new , attractive , and walkable commercial uses convenient to its residential neighborhoods . Plan Peters 2022 helps the new Peters Township move forward with optimism and confidence , as we celebrate who and what we are , while providing the tools to build a better tomorrow .
A public hearing on the proposed Zoning Ordinance changes will be held on Monday , July 17 , at 7:30 p . m . The location of the meeting will be posted on peterstownship . com .
The proposed Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map are available for review at peterstownship . com . eters Township
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