IN Peters Township June/July 2016 | Page 32

DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES ADULT PROGRAMS All Dog classes held at Community Room next to the Police Station. (AGES 13 AND OVER) Minimum 4 – Maximum 20 Challenging, high energy workout learning self defense, physical fitness to build and condition each student’s attitude, behavior and character development. Teaching valuable life skills, focus on goal setting, positive attitude, relationship building, communications and leadership. Certified Instructor: C.S. Kim Karate Day: Thursdays Time: 7 to 8 p.m. Fee: $80 Member / $120 Non-Member Uniform Fee: $25 orders placed at first class K – 9 BASIC OBEDIENCE (4 WEEKS) Minimum 6 – Maximum 16 Tailored for the beginner to help the owner and dog build a bond through training. Class covers mental stimulation games, and basic behavioral issues. Dogs must be at least 4 months of age and current on vaccines. Instructor: Joanne Werner Day: Wednesdays, July 6 through 27 Time: 11 a.m. to Noon Fee: $60 Resident / $90 Non-Resident PUPPY FUNDAMENTALS (4 WEEKS) Minimum 6 – Maximum 12 Start your puppy off on the right paw! This class is for puppies 4 to 12 months. You will gain the skills needed to master the first year with ease. Basic commands with positive reinforcement techniques and behavioral issues addressed in each class. Families are encouraged to come. Instructor: Joanne Werner Day: Thursdays, July 7 through 28 Time: 6 to 7 p.m. Fee: $60 Resident / $90 Non-Resident PE TE RS TOWN SH I P PAR KS & RE C RE ATI O N NE WS eters Township “TRICKS FOR FUN” (4 WEEKS) Minimum 3 – Maximum 6 Tricks are fun way and useful behaviors to enhance your dogs vocabulary, add mental stimulation and bond with your dog. Some of the tricks learned will be bow, twirl, spin and rollover. It is recommended that dogs participating in this class are reliable with sit and down. Children are encouraged to participate with their parents. Instructor: Joanne Werner Day: Thursdays, July 7 through 28 Time: 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Fee: $60 Resident / $90 Non-Resident C.S. KIM KARATE / AUTHENTIC KARATE NEW! HIP HOP CARDIO (AGES 16 AND OVER) Minimum 6 – Maximum 25 A danced-based cardio class designed to get you moving with easy to follow dance combinations to give you a great workout while having fun! Beginners to advanced welcome! Certified Instructor: Ciara Canella Day: Mondays Time: 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. Fee: $50 Member / $75 Non-Member EVENING YOGA (AGES 16 AND OVER) Minimum 8 – Maximum 35 All level class including SunSalutation, standing and seated poses, breathing techniques and ending with a deep relaxation. Yoga is proven to increase your strength, flexibility, balance and mental focus. Yoga mat required, yoga blocks suggested. Instructor: Lynn Duda, LMT, E-RYT Day: Tuesdays Time: 6 to 7 p.m. (July 12 through Aug. 30) Fee: $65 Member / $98 Non-Member T’AI-CHI CH’UAN (4 WEEKS) (AGES 18 AND OVER) Minimum 5 – Maximum 20 T’ai-Chi Ch’uan gives you the 30 Peters Township tools to RELAX and MOVE. As you practice… you will find balance, develop coordination, concentration and leg strength. Proven to be an excellent exercise for STRESS, Arthritis, Heart Disease and many other ailments. Instructor: Tamara Stark Day: Wednesdays (July 13 through Aug. 3) and (Aug. 10 through Aug. 31) Time: 1 to 2 p.m. Fee: $30 Member / $60 Non-Member TAI CHI BEGINNER II (4 WEEKS) (AGES 18 AND OVER) Minimum 5 – Maximum 20 This class is a continuation for the beginning student. Previous Tai-Chi experience is recommended. Instructor: Tamara Stark Day: Wednesdays (July 13 through Aug. 3) and (Aug. 10 through Aug. 31) Time: 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Fee: $30 Member / $60 Non-Member NEW! BODY ARMOR BOOT CAMP (AGES 16 AND OVER) Minimum 10 – Maximum 50 A fun, effective and healthy full-body exercise regimen that focuses on strength and conditioning using complex movements with full range of motion to target and activate every muscle group. Instructor: Samuel Sokol, NGA Certified Personal Trainer Day: Tuesdays OR Thursdays Time: 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. Fee: $50 Member / $75 Non-Member BEGINNER/ INTERMEDIATE YOGA (AGES 18 AND OVER) Minimum 6 – Maximum 20 This class offers a blend of various styles of yoga – Kripalu, Ashtanga, Sivananda and Yin yoga. Increase strength, flexibility and endurance and reduce the effects of stress using breath work, meditation, and yoga posture. YOGA MAT REQUIRED! Certified Yoga Instructor: