IN Peters Township December 2017/January 2018 | Page 21

to build endurance. P90X uses weights to strengthen and tone upper / lower body. Certified Instructor: Ann Bondi Day: Mondays Time: 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. Fee: $34 Member / $51 Non-Member ADULT VOLLEYBALL INSANITY 20/20/20 (AGES 18 AND OVER) Minimum 6 – Maximum 20 This class will keep you moving, two 20 minute segments of cardio exercise and 20 minutes of total body sculpting. Each class will offer different segments to challenge you without boring you with the same EVENING YOGA (AGES 16 AND OVER) Minimum 8 – Maximum 35 Good choice for beginners. Experienced hands on teaching of traditional yoga postures, meditation, and relaxation. Great for stretching and releasing stress for a healthier lifestyle. Certified Instructor: Lynn Duda, LMT, 500 E-RYT Day: Tuesdays Time: 6 to 7 p.m. Fee: $70 Member / $105 Non-Member ZUMBA (AGES 18 AND OVER) Minimum 10 – Maximum 75 ZUMBA is a fusion of Latin and International music and dance themes creating a dynamic, exciting, effective fitness system. Certified Zumba Instructor: Debbie Colditz Day: Tuesdays (AGES 16 AND UP) Time: 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. T’AI-CHI CH’UAN (AGES 18 AND OVER) Minimum 5 – Maximum 20 T’AI-CHI CH’UAN gives you the tools to RELAX and MOVE. As you practice… you will find balance, develop co-ordination, concentration, and leg strength. Proven to be an excellent exercise for STRESS, Arthritis, Heart Disease, and many other ailments. Please bring socks or slippers to wear for the class. Instructor: Tamara Stark Day: Thursdays Time: 11 to 11:45 a.m. Fee: $65 Member / $98 Non-Member continued > Peters Township | December 2017/January 2018 | 19 wn INSANITY – 30 MINUTES (AGES 18 AND OVER) Minimum 4 – Maximum 15 Insanity a total body workout without equipment based on “max interval training.” You’ll work hard for 3-minute intervals, with 30-second periods of rest in between. Some moves are easier than others but, modifications for every move! Certified Instructor: Jessica Berardino Day: Mondays Time: 8:15 to 8:45 p.m. Day: Thursdays Time: 7:30 to 8 p.m. Fee: $30 Member / $45 Non-Member (AGES 18 AND OVER) Minimum 6 – Maximum 18 Interested in playing recreational volleyball? Join us in this adult program that is open to all skill levels and be ready to have some serious fun! Previous knowledge of the game is a plus and you must register before playing. Coordinator: Dave Davis Day: Thursdays Time: 6:30 to 9 p.m. Fee: $30 Member / $45 Non-Member