IN Penn Hills Summer 2014 | Page 38

News from the Municipality of Penn Hills Parks and Recreation Dept. has scheduled the Penn Hills Memorial Day Parade for 11:30 a.m. on Monday, May 26. The parade route begins on Frankstown Road at St. Bartholomew’s Church and concludes at the Penn Hills Municipal Building. Police Dept The Penn Hills Police Dept. has recently added a new website for residents. It contains basic information on how to file police reports, how to contact a specific police officer and Crime Prevention tips and neighborhood alerts. The new website is linked through the primary Municipal website Crime Prevention will be holding community meetings to educate residents on personal safety, protection from identity theft and keeping property secure. For more information, contact Detective Bill Trogler at 412.798.2014 or email [email protected]. enn Hills PE NN HI LL S Municipal News Police Helping People Daily (PHPD) will be holding its annual charity golf outing at Green Oa