IN Norwin Winter 2017 | Page 32

Homecoming Festivities Norwin School District’s 2017 Homecoming included a full lineup of activities for the Greater Norwin community. On September 21, 2017, the Norwin Athletic Hall of Fame Nine honored nine individuals and three teams. The inductees were: INDIVIDUALS: Shannon Abraham (Track), Robert Montrose, Sr. (Basketball), Ryan Obeldobel (Volleyball), Holly Peters (Swimming), Bob Shrader (Coach), Jay Tray (Wrestling), Bob Vaughn (Football, Basketball, Baseball), Jen Manik-Wright (Soccer), & Bill Zollner (Wrestling) TEAMS: The 1959 Wrestling team, the 1985 Girls Volleyball team, and the 1986 Girls Volleyball team. The Hall of Fame recognizes people who have brought pride and prestige to the Norwin School District athletic program and community, either as a player, coach, administrator, or community contributor. The Hall of Fame Executive Committee is chaired by Brandon Rapp and also consists of Andy Phipps, Tom Shirley, Tom Shrump, and Karen Watkiss. Before the Homecoming football game on September 22, Norwin High School clubs, classes, and sports teams presented a family-style carnival. Activities included games with prizes, bouncy houses, a dunk tank, and food vendors. Mr. Cody Sabol, a member of the Norwin Class of 2013, gave two speed painting performances for the community. A pastor by trade, Mr. Sabol’s speed paintings of Pittsburgh sports legends have been covered by news outlets such as Fox53, WTAE Channel 4, the NHL Network, and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Proceeds raised at the carnival benefited the Castle Keep – an organization designed to benefit Knights in need. Following the carnival, the High School Football Team defeated the Cannon-McMillan Big Macs 34-14. The coronation of this year’s Homecoming king, queen, and presentation of the court took place at halftime. The weekend activities continued Saturday, September 23, 2017, with the annual Homecoming Parade presented by the High School Student Council through downtown Irwin. This was a major event with full participation by school and community groups, including school board members, administrators, principals, teachers, and students. The weekend concluded with the annual Homecoming Dance Saturday evening. All photos by Norwin Yearbook. At the Homecoming Carnival: Marissa Farabaugh and mascot Julia Scamardi Homecoming Court, Front row, L-R: Zane Varner (2016 King), Diego De La Fuente Duran, Quinn Anlauf (queen candidate), Natalie Durmis (Queen), Sophia Melocchi (queen candidate), Omar Nafaa. Middle row, L-R: Brandon Bodnar, Carolyn Tachoir, Kylie Arnold, Rachel Langsdorf, Jakob Bindas. Back row, L-R: Sarah Todaro, Vincent Oddo, Kelsy Levendosky, Joe Fisher, Stephanie Cairns, Antonio Carrick. Missing from photo: Carson Shipley (king) Homecoming Queen Natalie Durmis and King Carson Shipley 30 Norwin