School District News
30 Homecoming Festivities 34
Norwin Works! Program
Hillcrest Student A.J. Olshanski Named ‘Young
Heart’ Award Winner
Operation Prevention
Norwin Air Force Junior ROTC at Penguins Game 35
Superintendent Presents ‘Equity in Public Education
Sunset Valley Elementary School STEM Apple Day
Red Ribbon Week
32 Norwin Theatre Company: ‘The Addams Family’ 36
Winter Sports Schedules
Rotary Backpack Project 36
Norwin Band
33 Paint the Plow 37
Congratulations, Norwin Fall Sports Teams!
Norwin Alumni and Friends Association 38
Norwin Reality Tour
Football Team Reads to Elementary School Students
A Quarterly Report of the activities and accomplishments of
Norwin School District and its students for the 2017-2018 school year
Dr. William H. Kerr
Superintendent of Schools
Mr. Robert J. Perkins
President, Norwin Board of Education
Mr. Jonathan D. Szish
Executive Assistant / Board Secretary
Norwin | Winter 2017 | 29