IN Norwin Summer 2024 | Page 31



Sixth-grade math students at Hillcrest Intermediate combined teamwork and creativity to transform math lessons into an engaging , hands-on experience .
Mrs . Bonnie Kibel ’ s sixth-grade math students at Hillcrest Intermediate School recently participated in the Statistic Olympics . This unique event transformed traditional math lessons into a dynamic , hands-on experience that emphasized teamwork , creativity , and statistical analysis . By incorporating elements of the Olympic Games , students not only honed their mathematical skills but also experienced the joy of collaboration and friendly competition .
Students began the Statistic Olympics by teaming up and creating a flag to represent their “ nation .” This activity fostered a sense of
identity and camaraderie among team members , setting the stage for a collaborative learning experience . Each team also invented or reinvented simple , quick , carnival like games , complete with logos and detailed directions , reflecting their creativity and understanding of statistical principles . These games were designed to generate data , which would later be analyzed using various statistical methods based on the 6th grade math curriculum . The event kicked off with opening ceremonies inspired by the real Olympics , but with a unique math-focused twist . Students prepared and gave speeches under the supervision of ELA teacher , Mrs . Emily Weyandt , participated in the presentation of the Norwin Alma Mater through the leadership of Mrs . Kayla Marcius and Mrs . Tiffany Socrates-Gillies , were led in a sportsmanship oath by Social Studies / Science teacher , Mr . Steve Smith , paraded with their team flags , showcasing their team spirit and setting an enthusiastic tone for the upcoming events . Mr . Jared Schultz contributed to the event with a slide show presentation to accompany the ceremony .
The opening ceremonies served as a symbolic reminder of the importance of teamwork and the excitement of friendly competition .
Students participated in their selfcreated games , diligently collecting data as they played . This data was then organized to create box and whisker plots , frequency tables , and histograms . These activities not only reinforced their understanding of statistical concepts but also allowed them to visualize and interpret the information in meaningful ways . By displaying their results , teams shared their insights with the class , fostering a deeper appreciation for the power of statistical analysis in making sense of real-world data .

Teamwork was key to the success of the Statistic Olympics . Students worked together throughout the Statistics Olympics . This collaborative approach helped students develop critical thinking skills and the ability to communicate their findings effectively . The Statistic Olympics at Hillcrest Intermediate was a great success ! This event not only enhanced students ’ math skills but also highlighted the importance of teamwork , creativity , and the joy of learning . orwin

Students participate in Norwin High School ’ s first WE Service initiative
Seniors wielded their AP Physics 2 knowledge to make positive realworld impacts through Norwin High School ’ s first WE Service initiative . In the “ AP with WE Service ” program , students create opportunities to make local and global impacts in areas of their choosing to supplement the traditional AP curriculum with Service Learning .
The project began with pairs of students completing initial investigations into a wide variety of potential topics connected to the AP Physics 2 curriculum . Following the presentations and debates , the class voted to narrow their focus into three groups . “ Team Light Pollution ” would explore the sources , impacts , and potential solutions to the vast amount of lighting that wastes electricity and obscures the night sky . “ Team Radon Awareness ” planned to learn more about the colorless , odorless radioactive gas that seeps up from the ground , and what options homeowners have to reduce their risk . “ Team Urban Heat Islands ” set out to investigate the science behind how more extreme weather is causing disproportional impact on unhoused people in urban centers and what can be done to help .
After multiple work sessions and intermediate goals , the students were ready to make an impact . “ Team Light Pollution ” and “ Team Urban Heat Islands ” each hosted informational tables during lunches
armed with treats to engage with their peers and spread awareness . In the process , they collected donations totaling for Dark Sky International and the Allegheny County Homeless Advisory Board . “ Team Radon Awareness ” produced information fliers and a video detailing both the risks of Radon and helpful resources . The fliers went out to local neighborhoods and the video is now live on YouTube for a global stage .
Being the first Norwin class to participate in WE Service was not without its challenges but students learned valuable lessons in the process . “ Plan early ; find out what you are allowed and not allowed to do . Know what local resources you can take advantage of to amplify the local effect of your project , and use the internet to explore your global options , ” Aaron Berger advised future groups . Hayden Douglas added that running a fundraiser was more involved than the group anticipated originally , but they were “ able to prevail with effective team communication and planning .”
As the year wrapped up , the students came together as a class to celebrate their achievements . “ We spread the message across our entire school . Students and teachers showed interest in the cause and took the information to learn more ,” said Taylor Miller . Classmate Alexa Marcoz added , “ I have learned a lot about what it means to take action as a global citizen for a cause . I have never organized a fundraiser before , and it felt super rewarding to make a difference and raise awareness for a cause that is important to me .”