You, Too, Could Be On a Billboard!
Coming this spring … Excela Healthy Habits essay
contest. One lucky Norwin middle-schooler will
join our first year’s winner by sharing his/her
healthy habit. Watch for details at your school.
We Love a Parade
Excela Health employees share in the holiday celebration during
the annual downtown Irwin Holiday Parade.
“My Bike” Gifts Local Children With Adaptive Bikes
Representatives from Excela Health, Variety the Children’s Charity,
and Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield hosted “My Bike” at Excela
Square − an identification and awareness campaign for local
children with disabilities.
Young Doctors in the Making
North Huntingdon Cub Scouts tour Excela Square at Norwin for a
“taste” of medicine. To learn more, visit
Norwin | Spring 2014 | 17