Business Spotlight
Craig Gouker Roofing
Professionalism, Quality and Pride
lot of contractors do roofing – in addition to building decks,
dry walling rooms or whatever other job needs to be done.
With Craig Gouker Roofing, roofs are all he and his crew
have been doing for over 20 years, so you’re not only getting roofing
expertise, you’re getting a well-oiled crew that can do your roof right
the first time without destroying your yard in the process.
That’s because Gouker specializes in only roofs. And when you
specialize in something, you can invest in the equipment and
manpower to do that job in ways that no one else can. So Gouker not
only has a fleet of trucks carrying materials for any situation that can
be dispatched anywhere the job is, he also has specialty equipment,
like the “buggy,” which is like a portable dumpster on wheels. The
buggy eliminates the need for driving heavy equipment over your
lawn, creating ruts and landscape issues. It also eliminates the need
for a long dumpster planted in your yard for as long as the project
lasts, which also can kill lawns and ruin landscaping.
“It’s a showstopper,” Gouker said. “It saves mess, it’s easy on lawns
and landscaping and it can be positioned anywhere we need it to catch
debris. We actually have two of them and we use them all the time.”
Craig Gouker Roofing also has a dedicated conveyor truck that moves
shingles from the truck to your roof without touching your yard.
“We believe strongly in being the best at your craft. This is all we
do, all day every day,” Gouker said. “When you dedicate yourself
to that, you can give back more to the customer in quality and
conscientiousness regarding their home and yard that the other guys