The academies in the school are so important because in that you to have fun in school and you do exercise.
GYMNASTIC: To do this deport you need to have a lot of force to didn't hurt you so try it it's fun and by doing something you like you too are doing exercise. Los ejercicios gimnásticos se utilizan desde tiempos muy lejanos en el Ancient east se conoce que el primer tratado de physical culture data del año 2700.
FOOTBALL: In this deport you need to have a great team in that way you could win in a football match even win is not important the important thing is to have fun in the game and with your teammates.The football is as football or soccer, is a team sport player between two sets of 11 players each(footballer) and a referee who deals with compliance with the rules; it is considered the most popular sport in the world.
BASKETBALL:It is known as basketball it is.
a regulated sport, which consists of the confrontation between two teams composed of ten players each, but where only five play simultaneously, and try to dunk the ball in a basket defended by the opposing team.