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Events IAB

We are very close to our Christmas events and soon, on Friday, November 23, 2018, we will have an event for the whole school. You can come with the tickets you get at the school to play, the mothers of each room agreed the hours in each position so that they are also with their children in the event.

There is also the Christmas event in December, all the children in each room will sing a carol that they like. The parents will have to come the day that is the song of the group of its son (daughter).

The children can be with their friends while the mothers are there. The teachers will be at the ticket booth; at the time of the event the guards will be taking care of the school while their son (daughter) is playing.

Children should ask their parents for permission to be with their friends. They should also tell them that they will be (in such a game) so they know the location of their child's parents.

Young children should be in the company of an adult.

Also from 1st to 9th grade they will see talent show and they will be able to enjoy it. Boys and girls will be able to show their talents to the pubic only if they want it is not obligatory.

It will be Friday, November 23, 2018 at 5pm

We hope you enjoy