IN Murrysville Spring 2014 | Page 54

VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANIES Fire Chiefs Al Dover, Bill Paiano, and John Bohinc • T Murrysville Volunteer Fire Company: In 2013, the Murrysville Volunteer Fire Company responded to 424 alarms for a total of 2,901 volunteer hours of serving the community. The leading alarms were automatic fire alarms (both residential and commercial) and vehicle accidents; 312 of the alarms were in the VFC’s district, while 112 alarms were assists to other Departments. The new Engine 20, a 2013 Sutphen Monarch, arrived home in November, after traveling 240 miles from Dublin, Ohio. This apparatus will replace a 1986 E-One Hurricane pumper that has served the Municipality well over its career: • 32’7” overall length, 200” wheelbase and approximately 47,000 pounds urr ysville MU N I CI PAL IT Y O F M U RRYSVI L L E NE WS he Municipality of Murrysville is served by three (3) volunteer fire departments: Murrysville, Sardis, and White Valley. Though most of the volunteers have full-time jobs and family commitments, they serve the community by dedicating countless hours in training and emergency responses. We ask for your generous support in 2014 to the volunteer fire departments, as they tirelessly keep the community safe. In 2013, their accomplishments were: 52 Murrysville • • • • • • • • • • • • 6 man fully enclosed, climate controlled cab 750 gallons of water 30 gallons of Class A foam (Foam Pro system) 2,250 gallon per minute Hale pump 600 HP Cummins ISX15 Diesel engine with an Allison 4000 automatic transmission 20KW hydraulic on-board generator 4,500W Command Knight Light tower Hosebed consists of 1,200 feet of 5” large diameter supply hose, 600 feet of 3” leader line, 400’ of 2 ½” attack line, and 1,000 feet of 1” forestry hose (both the 3” and 2 ½” discharges are foam capable) 3 – 200’ preconnected crosslays consisting of 2 – 200’ 1 ¾” attack lines and 1 – 200’ 2 ½” attack line (all with foam capability) 1 – 150’ 1 ¾” preconnected front bumper attack line (foam capable) 1 – 1,250 gallon per minute deck gun 290 cubic feet of compartment space 2 – 4” large diameter discharges to supply large volumes of water   In 2014, Brian Synan will begin his first year as the Murrysville VFC’s Fire Chief. Brian has been with the Department since 2008 and has served as a Sergeant and Assistant Chief in previous years. Prior to moving into the Murrysville area, Brian was involved with other fire departments. Brian’s 2014 line staff will be: Assistant Chief Captain Lieutenant Sergeant Tom Ralston Dan Mertz Paul Barbish Russ Cline In 2014, Randy Marts will become the President of the Murrysville Fire Company assisted by Vice Presidents Rich LeMaster and Carl Pursch. The Department is always looking for volunteers age 14 and above, not only to be firefighters, but anyone who could help the Department with fundraising events, maintenance of the equipment and/or the facility, or any professional expertise that would help the community. Please contact the VFC at 724-327-1234 or Please visit for information on the fire department’s activities and events. Sardis Volunteer Fire Company Firefighters responded to 410 calls, which ranged from ambulance assists to house fires. The VFC’s members spent numerous hours training and obtaining state and national certifications. The results were: Four (4) members obtained the level of Emergency First Responder (52 hours); four (4) members were certified to the level of Emergency Medical Technician (200 hours); Two (2) members were certified to the level of Paramedic (1,200 hours); and three (3) members obtained the Firefighter 1 certification. Other training included