IN Murrysville Spring 2014 | Page 46

MURRYSVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Thomas P. Seefeld – Chief of Police urr ysville MU N I CI PAL IT Y O F M U RRYSVI L L E NE WS T he police department hired two new officers, Officers Dave Coleman and Dan Cox, due to the retirements of Detective Sergeant Stan King and Patrolman Kevin Gibbons. Additionally, Officer Scott Kettren was promoted to the rank of Sergeant, and Sergeant Chuck Tappe was promoted to the rank of Detective Sergeant. Officer Joe Bergamasco retired from the police department after 21 years of service. Officer Jeff Macintosh obtained PPCT (Pressure Points and Control Tactics) certification and will be the Department’s Defensive Tactics Instructor. Sergeants Kusinsky and Kettren attended a highly acclaimed supervisory training program “POSIT”. Sergeant Wilhelm received instruction re-certification in the use of the Taser. Motorcycle officers Wilhelm, Mastorovich, Keeler and Smith received re-certification in police motorcycle operations. Detectives Devlin and Tappe received training in a variety of investigative areas involving cell phone technology, interviewing and interrogation, social networking, and drug interdiction. SRO Yakshe received training on School Crisis Prevention and Preparedness. Members of the department participated in the Special Olympics “Torch Run” on Route 22 through Murrysville. Officers received re-certification in Defensive Tactics. 44 Murrysville The Department was nominated for the 2013 Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award for its support of employees who serve in the National Guard and Reserves. The Department participated in the National Drug Take Back event at Redstone Highlands and the Municipal Building. The Murrysville Alliance Church held the annual police memorial tribute, “Strengthening the Thin Blue Line”, to recognize fallen officers and officers who currently serve. Chief Seefeld was elected to serve as the Vice President of the Westmoreland County Chiefs of Police Association. Sergeant Kusinsky received “Active Shooter” training and will incorporate the knowledge into his firearms training instruction with officers. Local police dispatch service was transitioned to the Westmoreland County Department of Public Safety (WCDPS-911) on December 2, 2013. Sergeant Kettren received certification in the Field Training Officer (FTO) Program. He will serve as the department’s FTO Supervisor. Several police officers participated in the PA Hero Walk benefiting the Wounded Warriors Project. Dispatchers Darlene Veselicky and Kerry Kennedy retired from the department. Administrative Assistant Jen Marts received certification in Uniform Crime Reporting and Evidence Handling and Procedures. Murrysville was ranked Number 5 on the’s list of the 50 safest cities in Pennsylvania with over 10,000 residents. compiled independent research utilizing the most recent FBI Crime Reports. Crime Trends-2013 Drug Overdose Epidemic: During the past few years, Murrysville has experienced several drug overdose deaths, usually involving heroin. This trend is not unique to Murrysville, but is occurring in many other municipalities throughout Westmoreland County. Other deaths have been the result of individuals overdosing on illegal and/or prescription drugs. The number of county-wide overdose deaths has steadily increased 355% since 2002. In 2013, the county is on a trend to experience more than 110 deaths due to overdose. As a result and to address this epidemic, the county has convened a Drug Overdose Task Force. Chief Seefeld is a member of the Task Force. Our purpose is a multi-year project designed to identify the root causes and find solutions to dramatically reduce the number of overdose deaths. Burglary and Theft: Investigations of burglary and theft incidents have shown that a majority of these crimes are committed for the purposes of obtaining money, valuables, and property. It is common for the suspect(s) to take the stolen items to a pawn shop in exchange for money. The money is then used by the suspect(s) to purchase illegal drugs. Our detectives work closely with pawn shops and other law enforcement agencies during their investig ][ۈ