IN Murrysville Spring 2014 | Page 43

BY MARY CATHERINE RELJAC F ranklin Regional School District is helping students learn about their possible futures through career exploration and an internship program. During their senior year, Franklin Regional High School students may participate in a hybrid educational program, taking classes at school in the morning and participating in an internship during afternoons. Through the internship program, each student is placed with a local business or community member to participate in handson career exploration. Students participate in two internship placements during the semester, allowing them to expand their exploration and compare and contrast their experiences. Students typically log 15 hours each week during their internship semester, learning from their community partner and contributing in meaningful ways to industry in our area. Internships help students to carve their way, learn more about themselves, and make decisions for their futures. Students journal about their internships weekly in an online forum saying things such as: “I still want to be a physician but I now know that I would also enjoy being a Trauma Nurse. Before this experience, I would have never considered being a nurse.” –Alissa Lockwood, Emergency Medicine “…I got in the van with the coroner assigned to the case. Meanwhile I had no idea that the body was in the back right behind my seat…” –Brittany Canobbio, Forensics “It has shown me that engineering may not necessarily be what field I want to enter. On the other hand, it has given me a good insight into the business world, which I can see myself entering in the future.” –Devin Arrigo, Engineering “It feels strange knowing that I could be working in a field like this someday. I believe I am doing meaningful work here and that I’m being treated like an actual employee.” –Chris Alman, International Business “It has given me a good outlook on some of the things I would love to keep learning and doing, but it also shows me things that aren’t really things I would see myself doing for the rest of my life.” –Jacob Zentner, General Contracting Mr. Jeff Stanczak, Franklin Regional teacher, coordinates the program and works with over 80 internship sites to place students. “It’s exciting to see how far a student can go when placed somewhere with some real responsibilities. It’s something that Franklin Regional can be proud of,” said Stanczak. Dr. Genarro Piraino, Superintendent, is extremely proud of the growing internship program. He shared, “We need to expect excellence for ourselves and our students. This program embodies that by creating opportunities for our students.” If you would like to learn more about the internship program or are interested in participating in it, please contact Jeff Stanczak, Internship Coordinator, at 724-327-5456 x5027 or [email protected]. Murrysville | Spring 2014 | 41 FR AN KL I N RE GI ON AL NE WS FR AN KL I N RE GI ON AL SC HOOL DI STRI C T NE WS Internships at Franklin Regional High School Franklin Regional Murr ysville Learning about Possible Futures: