IN Murrysville Fall 2016 | Page 44

SUPERINTENDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Franklin Regional Community: The start of another school year at Franklin Regional ignites a renewed passion as we strive to provide our students with a world-class education. The 2016-2017 school year will bring several very exciting opportunities that embody FR’s Foundational Planks: Dr. Gennaro R. Piraino, Jr. Superintendent 1. A safe and healthy educational environment by serving as effective stewards of all district resources and capital assets 2. A world-class educational system that develops college and career-ready students 3. Improved performance and growth levels in all areas ­– academic, artistic, and athletic Dr. Mary Catherine Reljac Assistant Superintendent Marlena Buterbaugh Director of Human Resources Jon C. Perry Director of Financial Services FR A NKL I N RE GI ON AL NE WS ranklin Regional Linda Miller Assistant to the Director of Financial Services Brad Schrecengost Supervisor of Technology Services James Heck Director of Facilities Zachary Kessler Director of Athletics & Student Activities Dr. Richard E. Regelski, Jr. Director of Special Education Cara A. Zanella Director of Development & Communications Jennifer DiFulvio Supervisor of Support Services Donna Wolf School Board Secretary/ Executive Assistant to the Superintendent Ronald Suvak, Principal Senior High School Andrew Leviski, Principal Middle School Robert Buffone, Principal Heritage Elementary Tina Gillen, Principal Newlonsburg Elementary Tina Burns, Principal Sloan Elementary 42 Murrysville 4. Outstanding customer service, family partnerships, stakeholder relationships, and community engagement through communication that is professional, responsive, clear, and timely 5. Fiscal integrity, efficiency, and governance effectiveness in all operational areas As the District looks toward the future, and with the support from our Board of School Directors, we are engaging in a comprehensive facility feasibility study that will guide us in helping determine our needs in the areas of capital improvement and technological infrastructure, which will advance FR to the next level of excellence in education. This edition of IN Murrysville highlights some of the wonderful accomplishments of our students and staff. Six of our talented art students made us proud by winning several awards at the 2016 Westmoreland Arts & Heritage Festival. We also celebrated three students, Anishaa Sivakumar, Victor Mao, and Jillian Zachar who were named National Merit Scholarship Finalists and two Franklin Regional students who were national finalists in a scholarship contest for designing prom apparel constructed out of “Duck Tape.” FR is proud of two of its administrators for their career development accomplishments. FR’s Assistant Superintendent and Director of Special Education both successfully earned their doctorates through the University of Pittsburgh. We also restructured our administrative staff and welcomed a new member to the team, which will strengthen our services to our schools and communities in the way of communications, educational delivery, and special services. As a District, we continue to attract the most talented and qualified individuals to serve our families. As a school community, we encourage our staff members to embrace every professional development opportunity that is presented to them so they can continue to grow and evolve as educators. We are also excited about our STEAM grant made possible through the Allegheny Intermediate Unit. In addition, our various ongoing STREAM-related and workforce development initiatives and partnerships create tremendous opportunities for our students and staff. As a District, we are collaborating with our community partners to develop and implement a comprehensive, well-balanced educational program. We are perched on the cutting edge of something very exciting and challenging. As our journey for educational excellence continues, we look forward to leading our schools in a new, ground-breaking direction. Our community, our School Board, and our staff remain steadfast in our resolve to provide a world-class educational experience for ALL students. Our work has only just begun! Sincerely, Dr. Gennaro Piraino, Jr. Superintendent of Schools