Betty Jane Rapin
Local author writes , teaches and ministers to the Monroeville community .
By Nicole Tafe
Life is a continuous experience of unusual happenings that can be put into a story ,” says author Betty Jane Rapin . “ That ’ s what I draw from to write — my own experiences that have opened my heart , enriched my mind and stirred my emotions to reveal a greater understanding of life .”
Rapin was born in 1931 in Turtle Creek and moved to North Versailles with her family as a child . She graduated from Turtle Creek High School and married Sylvester ( Bunny ) Guido in 1949 . She was married for 23 years before her husband died in 1972 . She later married Richard Rapin and was widowed after 34 years of marriage . Rapin has three children , five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren .
Rapin always had a fondness for writing . Although she didn ’ t attend college , she took several courses on writing to hone her craft . To date , Rapin has published more than 300 articles , first-person stories and poetry in a variety of media including magazines , newspapers , newsletters and websites , and even had her own biweekly column in a local Turtle Creek newspaper , The Evening Paper , in 1955 . Additionally , she has appeared on radio and television talk shows throughout southwestern Pennsylvania .
“ At 16 , my first published work was as a contributing poet in ‘ Rhyme and Rhythm ,’ a yearly book that showcased new poets and lyricists published by The Haven Press ,” says Rapin . Soon after , her first news story was published in the Braddock Free Press .
Rapin has authored four books that can be found on any bookstore website .
“ My books usually draw from personal experience or intensive research that I put together to detail how others can help themselves improve their quality of life by understanding more about the situation in that life that is causing the problem ,” says Rapin .
Although most of her articles , poetry and books are serious text , none go without a bit of humor . “ I am basically a fun-loving person who , even when a situation may temporarily take over and stir my emotions , tends to see humor in it ,” she notes .
Rapin is also an instructor for continued education on a variety of subjects at Penn Trafford High School , and has been doing so since 1998 . She conducts workshops and classes on topics such as dreams , writing , intuition and more .
Rapin also belongs to the Monroeville Senior Citizens Center where she presents “ Meet the Author ” days and teaches a class on writing . She ’ s also hosted these events at the Monroeville Library and will be teaching an upcoming class about how to write a book on June 12 at 10 a . m .
For more information , email bjrbook @ aol . com . n
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