All the latest information
on the Monroeville
Historical Society.
By Robert Elms
MHS Gears Up
for 2018
Heritage Festival
onroeville is very fortunate
to have several historical
landmarks. The McGinley stone
house, the McCully log house and the Old
Stone Church are the historical buildings.
The history of these buildings goes back
to the Early American time period and the
houses are furnished with Early American
period items. The historical homes’ site
has a functional outside beehive oven
similar to Early American period design
(see photo). The Society uses this oven for
baking and cooking at some of its events.
Small group tours can be scheduled for
any of the historical sites by contacting the
Historical Society as indicated at the end
of this article. The historical homes’ site
also offers a hands-on school educational
Monroeville of yesteryear was a farming
community where spring and summer
had the planting and crop-growing
activities, and fall was the crop harvesting
time. The Monroeville Historical Society
(MHS) continues its annual tribute to
the community’s farming past with the
“Heritage Day” festival. The Heritage
Festival this year will be the last Saturday
in September or the first Saturday in
October, from 1 to 5 p.m. in the afternoon,
at the historical homes’ site on McGinley
Road. Some of the activities are as follows:
Children will be able to interact with
friendly farm animals from local Victory
Stables. Children or adults can make their
own scarecrow the old-fashioned way,
starting from a pair of old pants and shirt,
straw and a few of their own personal
creative touches. Children can awaken
their inner artist with pumpkin/rock
painting. Historical farming tools and
appliances will be on display as you tour
the McGinley stone house, the McCully
log house and the tool display shed. Local
re-enactors will describe/demonstrate
everyday activities encountered almost
two centuries ago.
There is no admission charge for the
festival. Nominal fees are charged for
crafts to cover costs. Food will also be
available. Please check the MHS web site
for the exact date of the Heritage Festival.
The Monroeville Historical Society
meets on the third Tuesday of each
month, 7 p.m., at the Monroeville Library,
with the following exceptions. Some may
be held at the historical homes site, and
no meetings are held in December and
Additional Society information,
pictures, books and events can be found
on the web site.
For more information about the Monroeville Historical Society, visit,
e-mail [email protected] or call 412.856.1000.
FALL 2018