IoT in the Classroom
You may be unfamiliar with the term
IoT (Internet of Things), but you likely
use it every day. IoT is a network of
devices connected to the internet that
deliver real-time insights to connected
devices, such as cell phones, laptops,
or even your television. These “smart”
devices offer a unique benefit in the
classroom in the form of interactive
whiteboards, e-books, 3-D printers,
security cameras, and attendance tracking
systems. Use of IoT can remove barriers
to learning such as location, language, and
economic standing.
A recent TEDx article highlighted
a Fargo, North Dakota, teacher, Kayla
Delzer, and her use of technology
in the classroom. She believes it can
revolutionize education, but only if used
correctly. “Using technology simply
for the sake of using it is wasteful,”
Delzer says. “If tech doesn’t transform
your classroom, your teaching or your
students’ learning, skip it.” One easy rule
of thumb: If a project can be done using
paper or pencil but you’re doing it on a
computer or device, it’s not transforming
your classroom. The possibilities for
technology in the K-12 classroom setting
are endless and, if implemented correctly,
change the course of education as we
know it.
Continued on next page >
Higher Education
The U.S. offers a diverse array of options for students interested in higher education.
From specialized discipline areas to on-the-job employee training, many of these
institutions aren’t as easily available to students in other countries. Community
colleges offer two-year
associate degree programs
that offer occupation
skills training to prepare
students for employment,
while private and public
colleges offer focused
coursework in arts,
humanities, business,
education, and almost
any area of focus that may
exist. Students are now
asking much more from their higher education institutions, and those institutions are
answering the call. As the cost of attending school sees no sign of diminishing in the
near future, students—both traditional and non-traditional—have high expectations
for where their money is being spent.
Colleges and universities are looking to new ways of educating their students to
not only better prepare them for their future, but to afford them the opportunity to
learn and grow with the advanced, ever-changing technologies accessible to them.
Colleges and universities across the nation look for ways to keep tuition costs low but
expand their reach to students looking to further their education. Digital learning has
proven to be one way to do so, providing educators with the tools necessary to reach
students wherever they may be in the world. For students wanting to stay on campus
for their learning, institutions are revamping their campuses to better incorporate the
expanding technologies available to them for learning.
Online Learning
According to the U.S. Department of Education and the National Center for
Education Statistics, 27.7 percent of all undergrads and 32.7 percent of all graduate
students complete at least some portion of their courses on an online platform.
Institutions are investing in online learning as a way to make learning more attainable
for all types of students. Specialized degrees are being offered in hundreds of areas
such as marketing and real estate instead of simply going for business administration.
Students who see a clear path to their career are opting for these types of degrees to
work directly toward their future.
Campus Changes
The integration of technology across college campuses has forced institutions to
rethink the architecture of its classrooms. There was once a time, not so long ago,
that libraries had to clear out space to add computer labs, printers and scanners.
Now, smart classrooms are connecting technologies through IoT, and active-learning
classrooms are allowing students to engage in collaborative reflection sitting around
tables of laptops, cameras and shared displays. In addition to increased capabilities for
hardware, there is also a demand for quality IT networks with increased bandwidth.
According to a 2017 study by the Center for Digital Education, 43 percent of
institutions adopting technologies are doing it as a driver for student retention. In
addition, 38 percent of institutions listed improved student learning outcomes as a
top driver for implementation of campus technologies.
FALL 2018