Education Special Section
a kindergarten-type setting . Either method for learning prepares young children for their future interactions , both socially and educationally . Finding the learning style that best suits your own child ’ s needs will set him / her up for success .
K-12 Education It is early in education that students start to become competent in utilizing the tools needed in our society . Reading , writing , math and language skills are all core competencies that need to be mastered at a young age and are critical for a student ’ s success . Education is being shaped by incorporating different styles of teaching , accessing new technologies to enhance learning , and ensuring that students leave high school with a sense of confidence to enter the workforce or to continue on to higher education . A variety of trends , disruptions and technologies are shaping the way K-12 schools face their biggest challenges .
Engage Parents and Caregivers
Parents can ’ t advocate for their children if they aren ’ t given the tools to do so . The National Education Association states that by monitoring , supporting , and advocating for their students , parents and caregivers can ensure that their children have an opportunity to be successful in school . By working with your students to set goals , make sure they are on track for academic success , holding them responsible for their education , and advocating for them , their peers , and their entire school community , you are doing a service that will have a valuable outcome for all involved .
Data and Analytics
Relationships between K-12 teachers and college educators used to be solely focused on college transition programs . Now , the focus is shifting to partnerships based on formal research studies , professional development , or joint technology and curriculum initiatives , as EdTech Online states . Data-driven research is being gathered and assessed by college educators and results are being implemented in the form of metrics to keep individual students on track to graduate . If an individual student falls “ off track ,” teachers utilize that information to determine a course of academic intervention . This form of individualized learning is being employed across the country with positive results .
Adaptive Learning Technology / Resources Addressing individual learning gaps continues to be at the top of priority lists for student achievement in the classroom . Adaptive learning technologies have already proven successful in the classroom and are a growing piece of the education puzzle . As the infrastructure needed to support these types of initiatives is more easily accessible and widespread , teachers are finding ways to incorporate these technologies into blended learning programs , according to EdTech Update .
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