IN Millcreek Winter 2024 | Page 34

Winter 2025


Instructor : Kathy Smith
Class begins with breathing exercises followed by a sequence of modified yoga poses targeting all body areas . Support will be provided within each pose making it easier to completely let go while breathing into the poses . While this course is less physically demanding than other yoga styles , it offers many of the same health benefits as traditional yoga courses . Meditation and relaxation included will be included at the end of each class .
Supplies Needed : Yoga mat ( Straps and block are optional ) RESIDENT FEE : $ 30.00 * NON RESIDENT FEE : $ 50.00 Restorative Yoga Session One
LOCATION Asbury Barn
DAY Thursdays
Restorative Yoga Session Two
LOCATION Asbury Barn


Instructor : Kathy Smith
Winter 2025
Beginners and experienced students are welcome . Meditation and deep breathing exercises to calm the mind and bring inner peace . These exercises will be followed by gentle flowing poses that stretch and strengthen muscles and joints to maintain flexibility .
Supplies Needed : Yoga mat RESIDENT FEE : $ 30.00 * NON RESIDENT FEE : $ 50.00 Yoga Combo Session One
LOCATION Asbury Barn
Yoga Combo Session Two
LOCATION Asbury Barn
DAY Thursdays
Ashley Marsteller : Director of the Millcreek Parks and Recreation Department
DAY Tuesdays
DAY Tuesdays
DATES 1 / 7-3 / 11
DATES 1 / 7-3 / 11
DATES 1 / 9-3 / 13
DATES 1 / 9-3 / 13
TIME 11:00-11:50 am
TIME 12:00-12:50 pm
TIME 11:00-11:50 am
TIME 12:00-12:50 pm
Our recreation program and the facilities of the Department are available to Millcreek Township citizens through the combined efforts of :
Shelby Luckasevic : Programs Coordinator
Millcreek Supervisors : Dan Ouellet , Kim Clear , Jim Bock
Instructor : Nylene Baney
This total body conditioning class gets the job done in 1 hour ! With two different classes on Tuesday and Thursday , each class is choreographed to target different muscles . The class is designed to incorporate various techniques which include circuit training , TABATA timer , PLYO and much more ! All while working your upper and lower body individually or simultaneously , using free weights or just your own body weight . This class is centered on creating core strength and increasing your heart rate , keeping you in that " FAT BURNING ZONE ." The class format changes every session so no getting bored with the routines . These workouts are deigned to burn more calories in 24 hours than just cardio alone . better yet , you will pack on lean muscle mass that will aid in changing the shape of your body giving you that well sculpted physique and help increase bone density to fight against Osteoporosis .
Supplies Needed : 3-8 pound weights , mat & water bottle RESIDENT FEE : $ 40.00 * NON RESIDENT FEE : $ 60.00
Total Body Sculpt Session One LOCATION Asbury Barn
Instructor : Nylene Baney
Mat Pilates is a great option for those new to the Pilates practice . Pilates is a system of exercises and movement that is designed to increase strength , flexibility and balance . With the integration of breath , movement and proper body mechanics , you will see an increased awareness both physically and mentally . This class will focus on the 6 core principles of Pilates which include : Breathing , Concentration , Centering , Control , Precision and Flow . This will allow you to hone in on the dynamic energy of your power house while training your arms and legs which will result in a much toner , leaner and stronger you !
RESIDENT FEE : $ 30.00 * NON RESIDENT FEE : $ 50.00
LOCATION Asbury Barn
DAY Tues . & Thurs .
Total Body Sculpt Session Two
DAY Tues . & Thurs .
DAY Mondays
DATES 1 / 7-3 / 13
DATES 1 / 6-3 / 10
DATES 1 / 7-3 / 13
TIME 9:00-10:00 am
TIME 5:15-6:15 pm
Supplies Needed : Mat , pillow or towel for neck support
TIME 5:00-6:00 pm
Parks & Recreation Commission : Heather Hinz , Sallie Newsham , Sue Ellen Pasquale , Nicolina Pierce ,
The Millcreek Township School District