IN Millcreek Winter 2024 | Page 21

Pittsburgh Recycling Facility illcreek

Through recycling , waste is a valuable resource that can be captured for future potential reuse becoming new products or packaging . It also helps to sustain natural resources for the next generation .
WM ’ s Pittsburgh Recycling Facility provides a range of recycling services to municipal and business customers in the western Pennsylvania region and parts of West Virginia .
WM is a leader in recycling facility technology to support increased separation and material recovery . The facility has been operated by WM since 2013 , but recently underwent close to a $ 23 million upgrade that was completed in April 2024 , making the site a state-of-the-art recycling facility featuring a series of ballistic separators and optical sorters designed to quickly and efficiently separate material .
State-of-the-Art Recycling Facility WM Pittsburgh Recycling Facility features optical sorters for both fibers and plastics that work to optimize the recovery and quality of recycled materials . Additionally , the operation includes an advanced fire detection system designed to detect fires before they spread . Using a series of conveyors and optical sorters , recyclables are sorted by commodity type and baled to be shipped to end users who will create new packaging and products .
UPGRADE INVESTMENT : Approximately $ 23M
SERVICE AREA : Western Pennsylvania and parts of West Virginia
HOST COMMUNITY : Allegheny County
FACILITY : State-of-the-Art Recycling Facility
SYSTEM CAPACITY : Up to 95,000 tons
The WM Pittsburgh Recycling Facility is capable of processing up to 95,000 tons of material per year .
Technological advancements allow the WM Pittsburgh Recycling Facility to :
• Recycle more types of plastics , including polypropylene plastic tubs .
• Utilize intelligent sorting where conveyors and optical sorters communicate with each other and with technicians to improve material quality .
• Include an additional optical sort line that serves as a final quality control measure for any recyclables not initially captured .
When you recycle properly , your materials can be used to make new products and packaging , which helps create a more circular economy . Help us recover good , quality recyclables by following these three simple rules :
Location : Allegheny County
DAYS OF OPERATION : Monday - Friday
Scan the QR code to take a look inside the newly upgraded State-of-the-Art Pittsburgh Recycling Facility
• Recycle only clean and dry bottles , cans , paper , and cardboard .
• Keep food and liquid out of your recycling container – this can ruin other neighbors ’ good recycling efforts and cause the whole load to be landfilled .
• No loose plastic bags and no bagged recyclables .