IN Millcreek Winter 2016 | Page 13

MI L LC RE E K TOW N SHI P N E WS Millcreek WINTER STREETS REMINDERS H elp us make a difference this winter by making our roadways SAFE! The Streets Department’s number one goal is keeping roadways clear to allow any emergency vehicles (police, ambulances, and fire departments) access to and from your residence! Please review and practice these easy steps below: 1 Millcreek Township Code 40-21 prohibits anyone from leaving any vehicle on the street during winter snow removal. Vehicles left in the road after being given notification will be towed at the owners’ expense. 2 Be sure not to plow excess snow into the roadways toward properties, across the street, into culde-sacs, or on sidewalks. This not only creates a hazard for the snow plows, but also for the general public. 3 Snow plow drivers are required to back up frequently and cannot see you in their mirrors. Please use caution maintaining a safe distance and give the plows ample room. Photo by Mark Dietz. 4 According to Code 40-26, the Township is not liable for damage to unlawfully parked or standing vehicle. 5 The Township will not be responsible for lawn damage if the following precautions are not taken: Lawn stakes must be installed by November 1st each year and are permitted through April 15th. Yard marker stakes need to be 4 feet tall above ground level and placed 1 foot away from the edge of the paved road. 6 7 Remove snow from around fire hydrants. Remove leaves and other debris that may impede the flow of water into storm sewers. 8 Please notify the Township Streets Department of any hanging tree branches within the right-of-way. 9 Make sure your trash and recycling containers are clearly visible at the curbside and off the road. These regulations help the snowplow operators do a more efficient job, while helping to ensure all our residents are safe! For additional questions, please call the Millcreek Township Streets Department at 814.833.4527. Millcreek | Winter 2016 | 11