IN Millcreek Fall 2018 | Page 18

The start of the school year can be scary and exciting. For some it marks the start of a journey at a new school, or possibly even the beginning of their educational career. For others it’s a new schedule and the end to summer vacation. Being prepared is more than just reviewing the ABCs or making sure the kiddos have all the right supplies. Take steps to help your child succeed if faced with an emergency. ● Make sure everyone, including children, knows how and when to call 9-1-1. ● Make sure all family members know how to send a text message in case of an emergency. ● Who’s your emergency contact? Make sure the kids know. ● Update your family communication plan. ● Add kids school social media info to the family communication plan. ● Make everyone in the family “In Case of Emergency” cards to connect w/loved ones. ● Speak Up! Ask your child’s teacher about the plans the school has in place for emergencies. ● Create a family password or phrase to prevent your child from going with a stranger. Practice it. ● Ensure the school has updated contact information on file for each child. ● Find out how the school will communicate an emergency to the parents. Woof! Woof! Woof! Meooow! (Translation: Don’t forget about us BEFORE an emergency) For many of us pets, are an integral part of our family. We count on their unconditional love--and they count on us. Like other members of our family we don’t want to see them hurt or overlooked in an emergency. When preparing your human family for a disaster be sure to include Fido and Fluffy Meowington or any other member of your pet family. Here are some tips: Build a separate emergency kit for your pet Keep digital records and pictures of your pet Have a list of emergency animal clinics in your area If you must evacuate take your pet with you. Bring along their favorite toy or pet bed--they’ll be stressed too, and the familiarity will help Ensure you have enough food and water for them If your pet takes a medication, make sure you have enough For some more ideas on how to engage kids in preparedness take a look back at the Fall 2017 issue of In-Millcreek magazine. For more tips check out 16 MILLCREEK