In Memoriam, Mr. Glass volume 1 | Page 10

In loving memory of Mr. Glass

You were the best teacher that I've known that teaches the best band strategies. Thank you for uniting all of the students of Ricardo Estrada Middle School a better life and for believing in us. He just really wanted all of us to have a great life and I really appreciate you Mr. Glass, and I'm going to miss you a lot. Mr Glass, I remember everything you taught me about the clarinet and a special moment I remember is when you gave us a gift after sight reading. I will never forget that special moment,

By Alan Carlos

Mr. Glass was a really kind man, he would stop his whole lesson to help you with you problem. He was a teacher, a friend, and a part of our band family. he would tell us to do it again and again and again and again, but he did it because he cared for us. He wanted us to learn to play our instruments so later in life we would not struggle to play them. Mr. Glass was really caring, man he cared for his friends, his family, his students, and our band family. He would be there whenever you needed him. Mr. Glass was a great man.

by Diago Camacho

.I am sad as a little kid who fell because Mr. Glass was a goof ball with all the students and a good silly prank on a student would bring a smile to his face as bright as the sun. Mr. Jawn Glass was the best band director there is and forever will be in our lives. Mr. Glass was a great trumpet player but an even better band director because Mr. Glass is with all of us in our hearts and carved in your brain.

By Cruz Arellano

Mr. Glass is my band teacher and he was the best band teacher I ever had. He taught us a lot of different things and when we did something wrong he told us how to fix it. for example, our mouth is loose, our mouth is too tight, breathe in more air...Mr. Glass always used to play us a Looney Toons song, it was cool and he also played The Final Countdown on is trumpet. He was nice and always had a smile on his face; he was a happy, joyful man. I knw that Mr. Glass is in a better place. Mr. Glass was the best teacher I had ever had in my middle school life. He was also believed in us when we couldn't do it. He was nice to everybody, even if they didn't play as good.

by Jose Ledesma

Mr. Glass,

Today I wanted to say that I appreciated you for being such a nice man and for standing with us. I wanted to share this because he motivated me in every way. I remember I had been misbehaving and he talked to me and told me to try my best, and he really cared about me. He cared for us, he was always there for us when we needed him and he taught us many things about band and life. I appreciate you Mr. Glass.

by Jorge Cereceda

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