Community Library of Castle Shannon
Stay Up-to-Date on Upcoming
Programs & Events
Make sure to LIKE the library’s Facebook page,
check our website, or ask to be put on the
email list so you always know what exciting
programs will be coming up!
Library Closures
Friday, Nov. 11: Veterans Day
Closes at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 23
n Thursday, Nov. 24 and
Friday, Nov. 25: Thanksgiving holiday
n Friday, Dec. 23, Saturday, Dec. 24,
Sunday, Dec. 25, and Monday, Dec. 26:
Christmas holiday
n Friday, Dec. 30, Saturday, Dec. 31,
Sunday, Jan. 1, and Monday, Jan. 2:
New Year’s holiday
n Monday, Jan. 16: MLK Day
n Monday, Feb. 20: Presidents’ Day
Upcoming Programs for Children
and Teens at the Library
Please note that registration is appreciated for
all programs. This helps us prepare adequate
materials. Register for a program by stopping
at the library, calling, or emailing Miss Heather
at weleskih@einetwork