sen · ior mo · ment / ˈsēnyər / / ˈmōmənt /
Noun . When you finally mastered the cha-cha-cha .
Isn ’ t it time we redefined what it means to be a senior .
When you are a senior , life can be vibrant or serene , full of new discoveries or treasured traditions . You can live on your own terms . Lutheran SeniorLife is here to help . Discover all the wonderful possibilities for a fuller life at home or in one of our communities .
Find out more at lutheranseniorlife . org sensitivity to food additives , food toxins , and absence of an enzyme needed to fully digest a food .
• Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease ( GERD ) – A chronic digestive disease , GERD is defined as experiencing acid reflux and heartburn at least twice a week . It affects 20 percent of Americans and can cause persistent bad breath , tooth erosion , nausea , and pain in the chest or upper abdomen , or it can make swallowing and breathing hard to do .
• Hemorrhoids – Hemorrhoids are inflamed blood vessels found at the end of your digestive tract . Often painful and itchy , they are caused by chronic constipation , diarrhea , or a lack of fiber in your diet . Seventy-five percent of Americans over the age of 45 suffer from hemorrhoids . Staying hydrated , eating more fiber , or over-the-counter creams may provide relief from hemorrhoids .
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome ( IBS ) – Affecting 15 percent of Americans , IBS is characterized by stomach pain or discomfort at least three times a month for several months . Symptoms vary widely with IBS , making it hard to determine the exact cause . Treatment focuses mostly on diet , eliminating common trigger foods such as dairy , alcohol , caffeine , artificial sweeteners and beans . Doctors also recommend a diet high in fiber and consumption of probiotics found in yogurt .
Most likely , if you are unhealthy on the inside , it will show on the outside . Your skin often mirrors your body ’ s true overall health , so a healthy diet , exercise , and drinking lots of water will do wonders . But keep in mind : there are other ways to make your skin shine bright !
• Wear sunscreen .
• Get a full night ’ s sleep .
• Exfoliate to shrink pores .
• Hydrate your face , neck , and chest .
• Always wash off dirt and makeup before bed .
• Keep shower water warm , not hot .
• Apply moisturizer while your skin is still damp .
• Keep your hands off your face .
• Sanitize your cell phone .
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