Sales and Engineering Skill Development Offered
Through GACC Pre-Apprenticeship Program
reensburg Salem School District began working with the
Students are also taught soft skills because they play an
German American Chamber of Commerce (GACC) this year
important role in finding success in communicating with people
to launch a pre-apprenticeship program in partnership
at work and in other areas of life. Soft skills are the behaviors
with Leybold USA, an affiliate of Germany’s Leybold GmbH. The
displayed in different situations and range from communication
company offers vacuum pumps, customized pump systems, and
and interpersonal skills to flexibility and adaptability.
leak detectors for use in the manufacturing and analytical process
After graduation these students can accelerate into one of
business and is headquartered in Export.
Leybold’s four Apprenticeship Programs. Leybold’s end goal is
Business department teachers, Wendy Jorgenson and
creating a pipeline for sales engineers. The pre-apprenticeship is
Joanne Finoli developed a curriculum
for Greensburg Salem that includes
the “Leybold Sales Engineer Pre-
Apprenticeship” course and also
incorporates GSSH senior project
requirements. Classes for the students have
been designed for personalized learning.
The customized schedules for the students
are arranged according to industry-based
state standards and with the German
American Chamber of Commerce, making
it a truly international collaboration.
Six high school seniors are participating
Seniors in the Leybold pre-apprenticeship program visit the headquarters in Export.
in the apprenticeship program: Brett
Biller, Wayne Clark, Tyler Hughes, Tyler
Vandenberg, Alyssa Yeckel, and John Zuccher. All have the
the first step, but interested students can follow a pathway into a
opportunity to get hands-on experience at Leybold. Students earn
full-fledged apprenticeship and ultimately obtain two-year or four-
$10 an hour, while getting classroom training and practice labs
year degrees as Leybold employees.
to in order to earn the MT1 (Manufacturing Technician Level 1)
The students participating in the program have immediately
certificate from the MS Institute that is recognized by the industry.
recognized the value of it. Tyler Hughes is grateful to his teachers
In general, apprenticeship programs combine academic and
who made the apprenticeship program possible. “It has given me
technical classroom instruction with real time work experience.
the opportunity of a lifetime. It gives you so much work experience
They provide the foundation for high school students to choose
and it shows you what the real world is like,” states Hughes. “I got to
among multiple pathways: to enroll in college, to begin full-time
work with many good people and grow bonds that I wouldn’t have
employment, or a combination. It allows students the opportunity
made without this amazing experience.”
to explore a career and develop occupational skills while still in
Alyssa Yeckel believes that she has been taught many different
high school.
lessons through this experience. “The most important thing that I
Throughout the program, students circle through Leybold,
have learned would be that there are always better options out in
working in each department to learn how it functions. They earn 6
the real world,” reflects Yeckel. “This program has shown me many
college credits and will take a 3-part proctored test as part of the
different possibilities that, otherwise, I would not have come across
national certification. “It’s amazing to learn about and be part of the on my own.”
business world,” notes John Zuccher. “This is what I want to do so
this experience is preparing me.”
Mark Your Calendars
for Kindergarten
Amos K. Hutchinson Elementary:
Dr. Robert F. Nicely:
James H. Metzgar Elementary:
March 2, 2020
April 6, 2020
April 8, 2020