IN Greensburg Salem Fall 2019 | Page 29

G reensburg Salem School District believes that our schools must provide a safe and supportive environment conducive to learning the basic values and standards that are an integral part of our community. These include the development of self-discipline and the individual responsibilities fundamental to a democratic society. As a result, students are expected and required to conduct themselves accordingly. Student Responsibilities Proper student behavior is achieved when each student develops the desire and the ability to live as a responsible citizen. The Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Greensburg Salem School District affirm the following student responsibilities: regular school attendance; conscientious effort in the classroom; conformance to established school rules and regulations; respect for the rights of fellow students, teachers, staff, and administrators; proper dress and grooming; refraining from written or verbal abuse or indecent or abusive language; assistance in operating a safe school for all students; and proper care in the use of school facilities and equipment. Board Policies Over the past several years, the Greensburg Salem Board of Education has adopted a wide variety of policies designed to ensure a safe and supportive educational environment for all children. The following policies are outlined in greater detail in the elementary, middle school and high school handbooks that will be available online for viewing: • ATTENDANCE POLICY • BUS DISCIPLINE POLICY • CIVIL RIGHTS NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY AND PROCEDURES • DRUG and ALCOHOL POLICY • PROHIBITION of WEAPONS POLICY • SAFETY POLICY • SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY • STUDENT CONDUCT POLICIES • TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES AND ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY Transportation The district contracts with DMJ Transportation to provide transportation to students who do not live within walking distance of our schools or who cannot safely walk to school. To promote safety, school buses record video and audio. Concerns or questions relative to student transportation should be directed to the principal of the building where your son/daughter is enrolled or to the District Transportation Office at 724.832.2983 or 724.832.2907. After-hours calls can be directed to DMJ Transportation at 833-MYGSBUS. Multimedia Notice During the school year, your child’s photograph (group or individual), verbal and written comments, and/or school work may appear in various media outlets. The following are examples of possible media formats: • Video and audio recording, interviewing and/or photographing by newspapers, television stations, and radio stations. • Articles on websites, written and published by newspapers, televisions, and radio stations. • School district newsletters, publications and social media. • The school district’s website, including classroom and school building web pages. • Publication of a student’s essays and artwork in print or electronic media. • Instructional tools used for educational purposes. • Video replay of school productions, such as plays and high school musicals. If you do not want your child’s likeness or schoolwork to appear in any publication or on the Greensburg Salem School District website, please submit your request in writing to your child’s building principal before September 30, 2020. Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices The possession of laser pointers/lights, shock devices and attachments is prohibited by students on school property, buses and other vehicles provided by the district and at school-sponsored events. Use of laptop computers and personal electronic devices shall be restricted to classroom or instruction-related activities. The possession and use by students of any device that provides wireless, unfiltered access to the Internet is prohibited. Personal communication devices, including cell phones, are not permitted to be turned on, in use, or in clear view during the school day without teacher permission. Violation of these policies will result in sanctions imposed on the student and possible confiscation of the electronic device. Keeping Students Safe… Entering a Building All members of the GS community are reminded of the district policy concerning entry onto school property and into school buildings. All district buildings are secured after students arrive; only one (1) entrance is opened to the public. Visitors should identify themselves and the purpose of the visit to be admitted into the building, and should bring photo identification. Upon entering, please report to the main office to sign in and obtain a visitor’s pass. When leaving the building, please return to the office and sign out. All buildings are monitored with internal and external video surveillance. Unauthorized individuals will be required to leave the building, voluntarily or forcibly. Following this policy will help us protect our children and employees. Safety Plan The Greensburg Salem School District will provide a safe and appropriate school environment for all students. Our safety plan, titled “All Hazards Response and Mitigation Plan,” meets all commonwealth and federal guidelines and was completed with input from public safety and emergency management personnel. As a result, the district has improved the abilities of our staff to identify potential safety and security risks and to respond appropriately to emergency situations. Bullying/Cyber Bullying Greensburg Salem is committed to providing all students with a safe and civil school environment in which all members of the school community are treated with dignity and respect and are free from harassment or bullying. Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance and is repeated over time. The district recognizes that bullying creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, detracting from the safe environment needed for student learning and may lead to more serious violence. Therefore, bullying is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. Student Wellness Policy In June 2017, the Board of Education updated the Student Wellness Policy. The policy affirms the district’s recognition that wellness and proper nutrition are related to students’ physical well-being, growth, development, readiness to learn, and academic achievement. The policy also articulates the district’s commitment to establishing and maintaining a school environment that promotes student wellness through proper nutrition, nutrition education, health education, and regular physical activity as part of the total learning experience. Throughout this school year, district staff and administration will be focused on meeting the goals directed at ensuring the proper health and well-being of all students. Reporting of Student Abuse In 1994, the Pennsylvania Legislature enacted a new law, Act 151, requiring that school employees report suspected child abuse to the proper legal authorities, including suspected child abuse by school employees. If a school employee has reasonable cause to suspect, based on professional or other training, that a student is a victim of serious bodily injury, sexual abuse, or sexual exploitation by a school employee, he/she must immediately report that information to ChildLine, as well as school district administration. A report will immediately be made and an appropriate investigation conducted. By following this procedure, the Greensburg Salem School District is adhering to the provisions of Act 151. All school employees receive Act 126 (child abuse and reporting) training. If you have any questions GREENSBURG SALEM ❘ FALL 2019 27