GSHS World Language Department gave a stellar performance at the APPLES Foreign Language Competition at IUP with Spanish and French students earning a combined 30 awards – 14 of which were First Place recognitions . Pictured some of the Spanish students share their awards and the individual Overall Spanish Festival trophy won by Anna Kluber . reensburg Salem GREENSBURG SALEM SCHOOL DISTRICT NEWS
All parents will receive automatic notifications to the main household number that they designated . Parents and students who have previously signed up for Mobile Text / Phone e-Alerts will continue to receive those notifications . New students will receive information about Mobile Text / Phone e-Alert registration after the start of school . Remember that while e-Alerts are available for your convenience , they are not a substitute for conventional notifications through the local news media .
Release of “ Directory Information ”
As part of the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 as amended (§ 9528 ), Greensburg Salem is required to release the names , addresses and telephone numbers ( generally referred to as “ directory information ”) of students to military recruiters and to an institution of higher education . Military recruiters and education institutions generally request directory information for members of the junior class . Parents , however , have the right to request that their son ’ s or daughter ’ s directory information or a specific part of it not be released . Parents who wish to exercise this option should do so in writing and mail the request to David Zilli , Principal , Greensburg Salem High School , 65 Mennel Drive , Greensburg , PA 15601 .
Greensburg Salem maintains the security of student information and releases specific information only as required by law . Any parent can request that information be withheld by making this request in writing to the principal of each building in which his / her children are enrolled . The district will honor these requests as permitted by commonwealth and federal statute .
Student Record Information
The collection , maintenance , and dissemination of pupil records are legitimate and expected functions of a school system . The professional staff recognizes the confidential nature of such data and the need to strike a balance between the necessity for educationally relevant information about children and the protection of individual rights to privacy .
The Greensburg Salem School Board and staff believe that student files should contain only information of value in assisting students . In addition to academic records , student files often contain data from personality , psychological and intelligence tests ; health records ; reports from school psychologists and guidance counselors ; and anecdotal records and evaluations by teachers and administrators .
Certain information gathered on students in the Greensburg Salem School District will be designated as “ Directory Type Information .” This includes the following information relating to a student : the student ’ s name , address , telephone number , date and place of birth , major field of study , participation in officially recognized activities and sports , weight and height of members of athletic teams , dates of attendance , degrees and awards received , the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student , and other similar information .
The above information is primarily used in publicizing public school functions and student achievements in the local media , for example , student participation , sports programs , band rosters , and so forth .
You have the right , as a parent or guardian or eligible student , to refuse to permit the school district to designate any or all of the above categories of personally identifiable information with respect to the “ Directory Type Information .”
In addition , the Greensburg Salem School District will release , upon request of a parent or another school , without notice to parents , records of a student who is entering another elementary or secondary school . If the school district fails to comply with the request of the parent or eligible student to review records , that parent or eligible student may file a complaint with the Office of Health , Education and Welfare in Washington D . C ., and / or request a hearing as specified in the “ Challenge Procedure ” section of the Policy on the Collection , Maintenance , and Dissemination of Records . The Policy on the Collection , Maintenance , and Dissemination of Records is available through the principal ’ s office .
If English is not understood , the school district will attempt to notify parents of their rights in the language used at home .
Student Nutrition Accountability Program ( SNAP )
Students in all district schools use the Student Nutrition Accountability Program ( SNAP ) at lunch and breakfast . SNAP is a computerized accounting system which can eliminate the need for parents to send money to school with their son or daughter on a daily basis to pay for food or drinks purchased in any of the district ’ s cafeterias .
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