IN Greensburg Salem Fall 2016 | Page 47

All buildings are monitored with internal and external video surveillance . Unauthorized individuals will be required to leave the building , voluntarily or forcibly . Following this policy will help us protect our children and employees .
Safety Plan
The Greensburg Salem School District will provide a safe and appropriate school environment for all students . Our safety plan , titled “ All Hazards Response and Mitigation Plan ” meets all commonwealth and federal guidelines and was completed with input from public safety and emergency management personnel . As a result , the district has improved the abilities of our staff to identify potential safety and security risks and to respond appropriately to emergency situations .
Bullying / Cyber Bullying
Greensburg Salem is committed to providing all students with a safe and civil school environment in which all members of the school community are treated with dignity and respect and are free from harassment or bullying . Bullying is unwanted , aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance and is repeated over time . The district recognizes that bullying creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation , detracting for the safe environment needed for student learning and may lead to more serious violence . Therefore , bullying is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated .
Student Wellness Policy
In June 2006 , the Board of Education adopted a Student Wellness Policy . The policy affirms the district ’ s recognition that wellness and proper nutrition are related to students ’ physical well-being , growth , development , readiness to learn , and academic achievement . The policy also articulates the district ’ s commitment to establishing and maintaining a school environment that promotes student wellness through proper nutrition , nutrition education , health education , and regular physical activity as part of the total learning experience . Throughout this school year , district staff and administration will be focused on meeting the goals directed at ensuring the proper health and well-being of all students .
Reporting of Student Abuse
In 1994 , the Pennsylvania Legislature enacted a new law , Act 151 , requiring that school employees report suspected child abuse to the proper legal authorities , including suspected child abuse by school employees . If a school employee has reasonable cause to suspect , on the basis of professional or other training , that a student is a victim of serious bodily injury or sexual abuse or sexual exploitation by a school employee , he / she must immediately report that information to ChildLIne , as well as
Not only did students in Mrs . Zahorchak ’ s second grade class get to hear about being a chef and an author from Chef Rizzi DeFabo , they also got to help him make cavatelli . Sometimes learning can be fun and TASTY .
GSHS band had a magical time at Disney World in 2016 when they marched and performed in the daily parade and enjoyed the park ’ s attractions . school district administration . A report will immediately be made and an appropriate investigation conducted . By following this procedure , the Greensburg Salem School District is adhering to the provisions of Act 151 . All school employees receive Act 126 ( child abuse and reporting ) training . If you have any questions regarding this matter , please contact the building principal or Dr . Eileen Amato , Superintendent .
Health Precautions
GSSD has developed contingency plans to proactively deal with any influenza outbreak or other medical threat . The district continually works not only with the PA Department of Education , but also with the PA Emergency Management Agency and the Centers for Disease Control to keep current on all information and to gain knowledge on applicable procedures and guidelines . We also access information so we can adequately assess the threat level . Our plans focus on proactively educating all students and parents on prevention and mitigation measures , monitoring the situation with respect to illness . This happens in all of our buildings on order to limit the impact of medical threats on our students and staff , enabling us to meet our primary goal of keeping our schools open and serving students .
Asbestos Inspections
Inspections of known asbestos-containing materials are conducted by school district maintenance personnel every month . The results of the inspections and any response actions are incorporated into the district ’ s Operations & Maintenance Program and the reports become a part of the regular monthly meetings of the Greensburg Salem Board of School Directors . The district ’ s Asbestos Operations & Maintenance Plan is available for review in the Greensburg Salem School District ’ s administration office . Any questions concerning the district ’ s Asbestos Program should be directed to Mr . Gary Liston , Coordinator of Institutional Facilities , Maintenance , and Grounds , Greensburg Salem School District , 724.832.2910 .
Delay / Closing of Schools Due to Weather

In the event that weather or other emergency conditions are such that the normal school schedule will be changed or school will be cancelled for the day , the district will attempt to make this decision between 5:30 a . m . and 6:30 a . m . This information will then be posted on the district Website and will be announced via KDKA Radio ( 1020 AM ), KDKA-TV ( Channel 2 ), WTAE-TV ( Channel 4 ), and WPXI-TV ( Channel 11 ). Should conditions warrant an early dismissal , the district will take steps to inform parents / guardians and to insure that all students can be dismissed safely . reensburg Salem

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