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in her special area of interest. Class participation, performance, special
projects, problem-solving ability and related extracurricular activities
were some of the criteria teachers used to reach their decisions.
The mission of the Fox Chapel Area Branch of AAUW is to
advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, education,
philanthropy, and research on national, state, and local levels.
Fundraising efforts support the organization’s Education Fund.
The branch also has active interest groups and community service
projects. Meetings are monthly at the Fox Chapel Presbyterian
Church, and programs are open to the public free of charge. For more
information about the Fox Chapel Area Branch of AAUW, go to
MuSic for MS, a
Pittsburgh area roots
music festival, will
take place on Aug. 13
at the main stage
and amphitheater
at Hartwood Acres
in Hampton. This
third annual event
will feature performances by The N.A. Fiddlers, The Jakobs Ferry
Straggelers, Tullycavy, River Whyless and Driftwood. Headlining
this year’s event will be nationally recognized band The Black Lillies.
Once again this year’s Master of Ceremonies will be none other than
Pittsburgh’s own Michele Michaels from WDVE radio.
In addition to great music, this family‑friendly event will include
some of the region’s best local food, beverage and merchandise
vendors. Doors open at 3 p.m. and musical acts will begin at 4 p.m. All
parking for this event is available onsite and is free of charge. MuSic
for MS will be held rain or shine and is a general admission event with
100% outdoor seating on the Hartwood Acres Amphitheater lawn.
Please bring your own chairs and/or blankets. No umbrellas, tents or
shelters will be permitted in the main seating area.
For more information, contact Greg Lusty at 724.601.3923.
One of the largest
British festivals in the
country will take place
Sept. 6 through 11 at
various venues all over
the Pittsburgh region.
This six-day festival
offers events for all age
groups and budgets, with
an emphasis on fun, in
celebration of over 200 years of historic ties between Pittsburgh and
Great Britain.
Whether you are a Beatles and Stones fan, or your taste is more
choral or brass band, there will be great British music throughout
the week. The Pittsburgh Tea Association will be observing the fine
art of English tea at numerous tearooms, for those longing for some
real scones with Devonshire cream. Restaurants and bars will also
Port Authority is continually focused on
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phone system or simply adjusting
routes and schedules to better
meet the needs of the community.
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Fox Chapel Area | Summer 2016 | icmags.com 31