IN Fox Chapel Area Summer 2016 | Page 32

in the


What ’ s news in Fox Chapel

Join in on the fun at this year ’ s Saint Sebastian Parish Festival scheduled for July 11 through 16 on the church grounds , located at 311 Siebert Road in Ross Township . The festival runs Monday through Friday from 6:30 to 10 p . m . and Saturday from 5 to 10 p . m . Admission is free ! This year ’ s festival features a special Kids Zone for children 8 and under , expanded games of chance , thrilling rides with a one-price rideall-night bracelet , Super Bingo and so much more !
Katie Flynn ( center ) has the girls ‘ leaning in ’ as they listen to her describe her responsibilities as Energy Manager for Giant Eagle .
Sixty-one young women from Dorseyville Middle School were honored on Mar . 15 at the Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church for their academic accomplishments in STEM fields ( science , technology , engineering and mathematics ) at the 6th Biennial Young Women ’ s Recognition Night sponsored by the Fox Chapel Area Branch of the American Association of University Women ( AAUW ).
Keynote speaker for the evening was Theresa Richards , PhD , Coordinator of the FIRST Robotics Program at the Robotics Institute , Carnegie Mellon University . She talked to parents who attended the event about some of the dynamic and challenging career opportunities awaiting their daughters . And she strongly urged teachers and administrators to help prepare these gifted young women for professional development in STEM fields .
Stephanie Kaiser ( center ) talks to Paige Asbury ( right ) and Samantha Dockey about some of the special challenges she faces as an oncology nurse .
Receiving certificates of achievement as well as congratulations were : Suparna Agrawal , Paige Asbury , Justine Bennett , Kaitlin Biernesser , Zoe Boychuck , Katherine Caracciolo , Yezmeyn Chaudhry , Hanna Chen , Hazel Cline , Eja Courts , Athena Demetri , Maria DeMotte , Samantha Dockey , Hanna Essey , Alayne Gaghan , Amulya Garimella , Mona Gerges , Maia Gravina , Ellen Gray , Caroline Green , Claire Hamilton , Katie Heidenreich , Francesca Heidinger , Cora Herceg , Lauren Himmel , Danielle Horne , Sydney Inglis , Nabeela Islam , Griffin Kerstetter and Kyra Kost .
Additional honorees included : Hyelim ( Rose ) Lee , Erika Litwin , Audrey Mah , Hope Matthis , Megan Matthis , Abigail Miller , Marissa Moretti , Alexandria Morton , Kyrie Nestel , Eve-Lyn Nicklas , Emily Noonan , Hanna Poole , Ella Rath , Abigail Rickin-Marks , Vinisha Sant , Ellie Schwartzman , Catherine Seay , Anzu Sekikawa , Vivian Shao , Grace Sisson , Emma Szymanski , Olivia Tang , Sadie Terrick , Abigail Troutman , Lydia Turnquist , Isabelle Uhl , Kaylee Uribe , Anushka Vis , Macayla Weiner , Salma Xolo-Thomas and Ann Yonas .
Students were nominated for recognition by their teachers , who selected the girls on the basis of exceptional interest or enthusiasm for one or more of the STEM fields . Educators agreed that each of the honorees demonstrated potential for growth
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