ox Chapel Area School
District elementary
instrumental music teacher
Dennis Emert has been
selected as the 2020 recipient of
the Pennsylvania Music Educators
Association (PMEA) James R.
Stewart Distinguished Service
Award. The award was created to
recognize outstanding service to the
PMEA, reflecting the dedication and
commitment demonstrated by former
PMEA President Jim Stewart.
According to PMEA Executive
Director Abigail Young, the award is a
small token of gratitude for Mr. Emert’s
support and commitment to the PMEA
throughout the years.
“It was no surprise to me that the vote
was unanimous,” Ms. Young says. “Your
dedication to PMEA and your hard
work on PMEA’s behalf is well known.”
Mr. Emert will be retiring at the end of
the school year after 20 years of service
in the Fox Chapel Area School District.
He is in his 33rd year of teaching.
Paul Noro, Ed.D., Kerr Elementary
School principal, says Mr. Emert, a
musician who plays in several bands,
inspires his students by sharing his
professional experiences and his
enthusiasm for the subject he teaches.
“Dennis is deserving of this very
important award because of the high
expectations that he sets for all of
Mr. Emert gives small-group lessons to Kerr
Elementary School fourth-graders.
Elementary instrumental music teacher Dennis Emert works with a small group of Fairview
Elementary School students.
his students in his
program, and his overall
dedication to music
education, both through
the Fox Chapel Area
School District and the
PMEA,” he says.
Fairview Elementary
School Principal
Stephen Edwards says
the district is fortunate
to have Mr. Emert as a
Mr. Emert works with the Fairview Elementary fourth-grade
“Mr. Emert’s hard
trombone players during a recent rehearsal.
work and dedication
to the education of his
students is what sets him apart,” Mr.
All-East Ensemble general chair for the
Edwards says. “His passion for music
Eastern Division NAfME Conference.
is exemplified by his students through
The award will be presented at a
their excitement to learn and perform.”
breakfast on April 25 as part of
Mr. Emert currently teaches band
the 2020 PMEA Annual In-Service
at Fairview and Kerr Elementary
Conference at the Kalahari Resort
schools. He has served the PMEA as
& Convention Center in the Pocono
president, president-elect, and past
president of the state organization,
The PMEA is the Pennsylvania
as well as Districts 1 and 3. He has
state-level affiliate of NAfME. It is a
served on the board of the PMEA for
nonprofit organization of more than
a total of 17 years. Mr. Emert was also
4,500 members dedicated to promoting
instrumental in starting the PMEA’s
the musical development of all
composition contest and served on the
Eastern Division Board of the National
Association for Music Education
(NAfME). He also served as the 2019