Aspinwall Riverfront Park
Address: 285 River Avenue, Aspinwall
Date: Open year-round*
Have an interest in making your gardens
more “green?” Then check out the new
self-sustaining Aspinwall Riverfront Park
as a great example! The native gardens and
wetlands with the backdrop of the Allegheny
River will inspire you. Visit the website for
more information.
Audubon Center for Native Plants
Address: Beechwood Farms Nature Reserve,
614 Dorseyville Road, Fox Chapel
Do you want to learn more about
incorporating native plants into your garden,
or give back by helping others learn from
your expertise? The Audubon Center for
Native Plants (ACNP) at Beechwood has a
native plant nursery with a greenhouse and
additional education, retail and growing
spaces. Visit the website for more information
on the many learning and volunteering
opportunities available at ACNP.
Avon Club’s Community Gardens
In 1993, initially with the help of Western
Pennsylvania Conservancy, Avon Club
established two community gardens along
Ohio River Boulevard in Ben Avon and
Emsworth. These beautiful flower beds,
which are planted and maintained by Avon
Club members, are now solely funded by
ACF. Not only do they enhance our local
landscape and environment, but they also
brighten the life of everyone who travels on
Ohio River Boulevard. For more information,
visit the website.
Baierl Family YMCA
Community Herb Garden
Address: 2565 Nicholson Road, Franklin Park
Contact: 724.934.9622, or
Fresh is the best! This 3,250-square-foot
YMCA garden features over 31 varieties of
herbs and edible flowers. Want to help plant
and maintain the garden? Find volunteer
information on the website.
Butler County Penn State
Master Gardeners
Contact: 724.287.4761, ext. 222, or extension.psu.
Besides helping to maintain the lovely
Cranberry Township Municipal Building
Demonstration Garden and many other local
gardens, Penn State Master Gardeners also
76 724.942.0940 TO ADVERTISE | Fox Chapel Area
want to help you become a better gardener.
From programs and workshops to events and
plant sales, the volunteers who are trained
by the Penn State Cooperative Extension
have the expert knowledge to keep your
garden in bloom. Visit the website for more
Cranberry Township
Rotary Club Gardens
Address: Corner of Route 19 and Dutilh Road,
Cranberry Township
The next time you are driving on Route 19
by Dutilh Road, slow down and admire the
beautiful Cranberry Township Rotary Club
Gardens, one of the Rotary Club’s many
community service projects. Members clean
up and plant flowers and shrubs in the spring
and weed the site throughout the summer.
For more information, or to make a donation,
visit the website.
Depreciation Lands
Museum Herb Garden
Address: 4743 South Pioneer Road, Allison Park
Contact: 412.486.0563, or
Date: Open every Sunday from 1 - 4 p.m. from May
through October
Are you a foodie who dreams of having
your own herb garden? Do you love history
and want to see a replica of a historic garden?
Then check out a wonderful example at
the Depreciation Lands Museum. Visit the
website for more information.
Fern Hollow Nature Center
Natural Outdoor Classroom
Community Garden
Address: 1901 Glen Mitchell Road, Sewickley
Contact: 412.741.6136, or
Date: Call or visit the website for more information
on outdoor programs.
Instill a love of gardening in your kids!
FHNC Natural Outdoor Classroom features
a community garden with six raised beds that
are available free of charge to local schools,
community groups and families so children
can experience planting and harvesting
flowers or vegetables. The garden area is
fenced and locked from the general public
and wildlife, and only used for programs. Visit
the website for more information.
Fox Chapel Garden Club
Beautifying Fox Chapel with blooms
for decad W2f