IN Fox Chapel Area Fall 2018 | Page 30

2 017 - 2 018 f ox c hapel a r ea s chool d is tr ict | s tat e of t he s chools • For the fi rst time in team history, the Fox Chapel Area High School Girls’ Cross Country Team won the gold medal at the PIAA Class AAA championship. The members of the PIAA-winning girls’ team were senior Caelan Miller; juniors Anna Folkerts, Sarena Seeger, and Annika Urban; and sophomores Isabelle Doerr, Brooke Krally, and Grace Sisson. Additionally, Caelan, Anna, Sarena, Annika, Brooke, and Grace were also invited to participate in the Nike Cross Regionals Northeast qualifi er that was held in November in New York where the team placed third. • High school girls’ and boys’ cross country head coach Tom Moul was named the Pennsylvania Track and Field Coaches’ Association Girls’ Coach of the Year. He coached the girls’ cross country team to its fi rst-ever PIAA Class AAA championship in the fall of 2017. • High school senior Helen Paulini, a member of the Fox Chapel Crew Team, was named to the 2017-2018 USRowing Scholastic Honor Roll. The honor roll recognizes seniors who have excelled in both academics and rowing. • High school junior Kenyon Weis was selected as an Academic All-American lacrosse player. • Junior Jonah Cagley won fi rst place in the WPIAL Diving Championships and freshman David Manelis won third place and both qualifi ed for PIAAs. Jonah was also a bronze-medal winner at states. • Tennis team member, junior Robby Shymansky, won the WPIAL Class AAA singles and the WPIAL Class AAA Section 3 singles championships. Additionally, he placed third at the PIAA singles tournament. • The high school girls’ varsity golf team advanced to the PIAA fi nals for the fi rst time since 2010 and fi nished in fourth place at the Class AAA team championships. The team was also the WPIAL runner-up. Team members who participated at states were seniors Hannah Conroy and Cara Levicoff; juniors Nicole Garcia-Tunon and Jessica Paper; and sophomore Emily Scheffl er. • High school boys’ varsity golf team members junior Gregor Meyer and sophomore Amani D’Ambrosio qualifi ed for the PIAA Class AAA West Region Golf Championships. • Two members of the boys’ cross country team, junior Ian Brown and sophomore Christian Fitch, qualifi ed as individuals for the PIAA Class AAA championships. • The boys’ varsity basketball team qualifi ed to participate in the PIAA Class 6A playoffs. Team members included: seniors Carson Cohen, Domanic McGriff, Micah Morris, Justin Supsura, Sai Yarlagadda, and Joseph Zappala; juniors Bennett Kelly, Ryan Kerr, Noah Marks, and Kenyon Weis; sophomores Samuel Brown, William Generett, Brendan Kelly, Will Livingston, Matthew Mattioli, Shane Susnak, Brevin Urso, and Arnold Vento; and freshmen Kent Baldauf and Lyle Blaylock. • Four members of the high school girls’ swimming and diving team qualifi ed for the 2018 PIAA Swimming and Diving Championships. Senior Joslyn Filo qualifi ed in the girls 100-butterfl y and the team of Joslyn, senior Molly Wiese, and sophomores Jaclyn Filo and Grace Gacken- bach qualifi ed in the 200-medley relay. • The boys’ varsity tennis team won the WPIAL Class AAA team title. This is the team’s third gold medal in a row. Additionally, the team qualifi ed for the PIAA tournament. Team members included: seniors Karsten Lagerquist and Kurran Singh; juniors Shan Hassan, William Kabazie, Jayanth Kashyap, Michael Kilmer, Jared Nord, Robby Shymansky, and Brandon Wei; and sophomores Milo Baron and Isaac Mah. • High school indoor track members, junior Sarena Seeger and sophomore Grace Sisson, quali- fi ed for the Pennsylvania Track & Field Coaches Association Indoor State Championships. 28 FOX CHAPEL AREA