Ways to
ummer is an awesome time of year. It’s full of family gettogethers, trips to the pool and vacations. With all that
awesomeness, though, sometimes learning falls by the wayside.
Research has shown that some children experience summer learning
loss, also known as “summer slide,” because their minds aren’t as
engaged as they are during the school year. You can help to keep
your child’s brain active and prevent summer slide with these five
fun learning activities:
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1. Read, read, read. Read to your child or encourage him/her to
read for 20 minutes every day. Taking a trip to the library on hot,
humid or rainy days can be fun, too. Also, listening to audio books
is great during car trips.
2. Learn a new word every week. Make this a game by seeing who
can use the new word the most times throughout the week. You
can even make a scoreboard and stick it on the fridge. Encourage
your children to look through a picture dictionary to pick out new
3. Get cooking. Cooking with your child is a fun way to teach math
and reading skills as well as how to follow instructions. Look
through a cookbook with your little ones, and ask them what they
would like to make.
4. Hit the road. Take a field trip to a museum, zoo or aquarium.
Before you go, read a book with your child about the sights at
your destination. When you return, you and your child can write a
journal entry about your adventures.
5. Go outside. Embrace the nice weather and go on a hike, nature
walk or bike ride. Pack a magnifying glass and/or binoculars, and
take breaks along the way to take a closer look at things. You
and your little ones can even take notes on interesting objects or
animals and look up more information about them online or in an
encyclopedia when you get home.
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This Industry Insight was written by Dina & Matt Speranza.
20280 Route 19 Cranberry Twp., PA 16066
724.778.8200 -
They are the owners of The Goddard School® located
at 8065 Rowan Road in Cranberry. Goddard offers both
full- and part-time infant/preschool/kindergarten programs.
For more information, visit or call
Cranberry | Spring 2016 | 15