IN Chartiers Valley Winter 2023 | Page 13

Carolers . Unfortunately , during the economic downturn in 2008 , the group was discontinued . With over 20 years of experience performing , Courtney decided to reestablish the group without the production company , and the “ Holiday Harmonies ” started in Bridgeville that same year .
“ That first year , we didn ’ t even have enough finances for costumes ,” she says . “ But people really liked us , so we continued . Finally , we were able to get some inexpensive costumes . And then , eventually , we were able to upgrade to more elaborate Charles Dickens-era costumes , made by a very talented friend of mine , Carol Erb .”
The group was in demand to perform at shopping malls , private parties , corporate events , senior living communities , Macy ’ s , and one very memorable event at the Steelers ’ Christmas party at Heinz Field .
Along the way , they were asked to perform in the 2015 CBS comedy feature film , “ Love the Coopers .” Starring Diane Keaton and John Goodman , it was filmed at several locations in Pittsburgh . The Holiday Harmonies were tapped to play strolling carolers in Dickensian costumes in a supermarket . In the movie , Keaton and Goodman are having an argument in the store when suddenly confronted by the wholesomeness of the Holiday Harmonies . The 20-second scene took 12 hours to film !
Courtney reminisces about the day , “ I remember when we did our bit , and Diane Keaton looked at me and gave me a thumb ’ s up and a wink , as if to say we had her approval . That was a special moment I ’ ll always remember .” You can view the scene at youtube . com / watch ? v = PMio-VJw0Kk .
The holiday season of 2020 was a heartbreaking time , with family members forbidden from spending time with their elderly relatives . “ Some area families hired us to go sing on the porch of their elderly parents for an hour , as a gift to lift their spirits ,” explains Courtney . She remembers one elderly gentleman in his 90s who sat across the room from the front door . When the group began to sing , he suddenly grabbed his walker and made the trek across the room to be closer to the singing . He then began to sing the entire bass line part to the song they were performing . His singing brought a tear to the eyes of everyone present .
Another family hired them to sing for their aging parents , and when the carolers started to perform , the children and grandchildren began to arrive and sat in their cars listening in
the driveway as a way to share the day with their elderly family members .
This time of year , the group will perform at about one event per day and will be “ crazy busy ” till New Year ’ s Day . Despite all the hectic rush of the season , Courtney and the other singers love what they do , and the reaction people have to it .
“ Many times , when we ’ re performing at a shopping center , some people will linger for a while as we perform ‘ Silent Night .’ They get very teary-eyed ,” she notes . “ To be able to transport them back to whatever Christmas they are remembering is a wonderful experience .”
You can follow the group on Facebook at facebook . com / PghCarolers .
Courtney also has a production company that offers princess and superhero visits for children , based upon their own individual preferences . You can learn more about it at pittsburghprincess . com . n