IN Canon-Mac Summer 2024 | Page 38


Juliana Vogini Honored at Law Day for Creative Diorama and Essay


On May 1 , the Washington County Bar Association celebrated Law Day by honoring the winners of this year ’ s Law Day contest . Students from grades 2 through 12 participated in the contest , sponsored by the Observer-Reporter and the Washington County Bar Association , which featured categories such as bookmarks , drawings and dioramas made from marshmallow Peeps .

Juliana Vogini , a fifth grade student at Cecil Intermediate School , was among the honored students . Juliana crafted an impressive diorama of famous U . S . attorneys titled “ Celebrity Jeopardy : Law Edition ,” featuring a stage set made from a shipping box , scrapbooking paper , felt , pipe cleaners and marshmallow Peeps . Juliana also wrote an essay explaining how this year ’ s theme of “ Democracy ” influenced her design , showcasing her understanding of the subject and creativity in presenting it .
Juliana ’ s essay , “ Jeopardy - Celebrity Lawyers ,” dove into the complexities of democracy , featuring categories such as “ Elections Go To College ” and “ Please Be Civil !” The essay described how famous lawyers such as Abraham Lincoln , John Adams and Michelle Obama have influenced democracy , using a fun game format to educate about the Electoral College and polarization .
The winning students and their families were invited to the Washington County Courthouse to receive their awards and cash prizes on Law Day . The event took place in the courtroom , with presentations from the president of the bar association , four local judges and various political leaders from the state and county . They discussed the historical significance of Law Day and its annual celebration in Washington County .
In an act of generosity , Juliana chose to donate her cash prize of $ 225 to the Washington Area Humane Society . A representative from the Humane Society was present to receive the check on their behalf . Following the awards ceremony , students and their families were invited to a reception in the judges ’ reception area for light refreshments and photos .
This event provided an incredible opportunity for students to learn about the judicial system and explore the courthouse while being honored for their creative efforts . The experience was both educational and memorable , highlighting the importance of civic engagement and the judicial process . The event and Juliana ’ s thoughtful donation underscore the impact of community involvement and the value of educational contests that inspire young minds to engage with important societal themes .