Cecil Elementary Celebrates
Local Superheroes
The students and staff at Cecil Elementary know not all superheroes wear capes .
Recently they celebrated some local superheroes - township police officers , firefighters and EMTs !
With the help of district food service director Erin Bandi , Miss Gilbert and Mrs . Skerbetz ’ s classes organized the luncheon and coordinated the treat bags for the day ’ s special guests .
Canonsburg Middle School Raises More Than $ 10K to Help Classmate
Canonsburg Middle School students , along with support from Borland Manor Elementary and North Strabane Intermediate , helped raise more than $ 10,000 to help an ill classmate — money that will go to help the boy ’ s family pay for his medical expenses .
The CMS community this year rallied behind middle schooler Mitchell Blackhurst , who has been suffering from a mysterious illness that began with the flu .
Mitchell ’ s symptoms at first baffled doctors , and his family traveled with him to Pittsburgh , Connecticut , Philadelphia and New Jersey to visit doctors who could help determine a diagnosis : That the youngster was suffering from neurological disorders believed to be caused by a reaction to the flu .
Mitchell , who is unable to attend classes and receives homebound education , was also expected to receive treatment at Children ’ s Hospital of Pittsburgh . CMS teacher Adam Manion , who helped organize the
48 Canon-Mac
Mitchell Blackhurst ( center with headphones ) is surrounded by friends at CMS .
fundraising events , said he was proud of his students — who helped raise a total of $ 10,225 through a spaghetti dinner , a fundraiser at Max ‘ n Erma ’ s , and a Coin Wars Fundraiser .
Way to go , everyone ( and best wishes to Mitchell !)!