IN Canon-Mac Spring 2022 | Page 59

recorded through your water meter , that water consumption from the leak will then be reflected on your sewage bill . However , depending on the location of the leak , NSTMA may be able to give you a credit for the leaked water on your next sewage bill , but only in certain situations . Here is what we mean by that :
If the water leak is on a water service line to your property and the leak occurs outside of your home or business , or in some other area where you can demonstrate that the water did not travel down one of your drains , we may be able to provide a credit . It is important for you to document such an incident in a letter to NSTMA accompanied by documentation , including a copy of a bill from a plumber for a water line repair and / or photos of the repair . The key here is that the water did not make it down the drain into the sewage system .
On the other hand , NSTMA generally cannot give you a credit for a water leak inside of your home or business , because that water will probably have gone down a drain and into the sewage system to be conveyed and treated . One of the main culprits of hidden , insidious leaks is your toilet ( also known as a running toilet ). Every billing cycle brings calls from customers regarding unusually high sewer bills , and every billing cycle we say the same thing , “ Check your toilet and , sorry , no , we cannot give you a credit for that type of leak .”
Deduct Meters
Let ’ s say you are using water at your property for things such as filling a swimming pool or irrigating your lawn with a sprinkler system . As noted above , this water does not make its way into the sewage system , and , therefore , that water does not have to be counted as billable by NSTMA . In this situation , we allow property owners to install and report readings from what we call a “ Deduct Meter ” so named because if you follow the proper procedures , we will deduct the amount of water that does not go down a drain from your total consumption , thereby saving you money on what we charge for sewage service .
Please call our office at 724.745.7220 for more information on deduct meters and procedures , or to learn ways to detect those pesky running toilets .

New Full Time Firefighters

North Strabane Fire Department has promoted two of our Part Time Firefighters to Full Time to fill vacancies .

William Cummings Firefighter / Paramedic
Bill is originally from the North Hills . March of 2022 will mark 23 years in fire and emergency services , which included time as a Firefighter / Medic for in the District of Columbia , Beaver Falls , a Paramedic at Ross / West View EMS , and as a flight medic with Stat Medevac . He is currently a State fire instructor , an EMS instructor , and a member of Pennsylvania Strike Team 1 , Urban Search and Rescue .
When he is not working , he enjoys spending time with his family ( girl dad ) and friends . His hobbies include scuba diving , hockey , camping , reading , Pitt Football , and anything outdoors .
Bill was promoted in January and is assigned to C-Platoon .
Alexis Pihoker Firefighter / EMT
Alexis is originally from Ohio , near Cleveland . She moved to the area while working on research for tactical athletes . To further her research , she joined the Mount Lebanon Fire Department in June of 2019 . After just a few calls , she realized she wanted to turn it into a career and was hired at Pittsburgh International Airport as a Firefighter / EMT . She completed the academy in April of 2020 . She has also worked part time as an EMT in McKeesport and at Medical Rescue Team South Authority . Alexis was promoted in March and is assigned to A platoon .