IN Canon-Mac Spring 2022 | Page 19





If you have a loved one who is showing signs of dementia-related changes , you may find yourself at a turning point and need to explore options for memory care .

Here are some of the top things to ask or consider that may help with selecting the right senior living community , while also giving you peace of mind .
Q : Is there a specialized commitment to Memory Care ?
Ask about special signature programs to ensure that your loved one benefits from supportive dementia care provided by specially trained memory care teams who can provide healing therapies and a wide range of activities to inspire joy , laughter and life fulfillment .
Q : Does the living environment enhance overall health and wellbeing ? Take time to visit and experience the memory care living environment . Look for things like :
• How bright and welcoming the memory care area is . Lighting and colors matter and contribute to the overall health and wellbeing of a memory care resident .
• Whether the environment looks dark and closed-in versus being “ open ” with window views that allow the natural outdoors to come in .
• Whether your loved one can live as part of a dignified memory care neighborhood and in a single studio or one-bedroom apartment home versus needing to live with one or two additional residents they may not know or be comfortable with .
• Whether the environment offers access to a safe and secure outdoor patio environment that promotes socialization and connectivity versus isolation and loneliness .
Q : What activities or programming exist to ensure resident wellbeing and engagement ?
• It ’ s important to ask about how your loved one ’ s life story will be honored and celebrated . For example , is there a “ Wall of Honor ” that exists if your loved one provided service to our country ? Inquire about how the care team learns about your family member ’ s life story and preferences .
• Ask if the care and programming are designed to increase energy , daily functioning and socialization , while reducing anxiety . Look for things like
“ Purpose Stations ,” which are often themed to promote engagement and self-paced interaction . Examples might be an “ Interactive Kitchen ” or a “ Housekeeping ” station or a “ Baby Caretaking ” station . This is important because , depending upon the needs of your loved one , these types of interactions can “ trigger ” your loved one ’ s memory to recall so many moments in life that are familiar and bring joy .
• Inquire about how loved ones are encouraged to get involved in the things they enjoy and empowered to make choices about what they ’ d like to do and when , including safe and secure enjoyment of the outdoors .
• Observe whether the care team is taking the time to listen and learn each person ’ s preferences and routines for eating , sleeping , socializing and participating in activities .
If you have a loved one who is showing signs of dementia-related changes , The Waters is here to offer specialized support in a safe and comforting environment in which personalized care helps ensure that loved ones can “ bloom where they are ” in their life ’ s journey .
THE WATERS OF MCMURRAY IS LEASING ! To schedule a personal tour , call 412-200-7868 or email mtraffican @ thewaters . com
Christine Panepinto – Executive Director Morgan Traffican – Senior Living Consultant