North Strabane Township requires, by ordinance, that each property with
a structure to which a house number has been assigned shall have the
number displayed in a position which is visible and readable from the
street or public right-of-way. All numbers shall be in Arabic figures which
shall be at least three inches high and one half inch wide.
If a structure is situated at a distance from the street or public right-ofway in which numbers are not visible or readable, then numbers must be
displayed on the mailbox that services the property.
If no mailbox services the property and the structure cannot be
seen from the street or public right-of-way, numbers shall be placed on
the structure and at a place at the street or public right-of-way where a
mailbox would usually be placed.
The titled owner and occupant or occupants of each structure shall
be required to maintain said designation in a legible condition on a
continuing basis.
N orth Strabane Township News
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Attention residents... If your recycling container is damaged, please
do not throw it away. Please bring it back to the township office
and have it replaced. Only one 25 gallon container is provided
per home. Stickers are available at the township office and can be
placed on a spare container of your choosing. The office is open
Monday thru Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Board of Supervisors recently awarded a new three (3) year solid waste and recycling contract to Allied
Waste, a division of Republic Services, effective January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2016. The new
contract continues to provide for unlimited weekly trash collection and bi-weekly recycling collection. The
new contract is structured to provide price stability to residents over a three year period and offer a service
that is convenient, insures maximum participation and promotes waste reduction.
Weekly collection days changed from Wednesdays to Tuesdays. Residents will be billed a flat
$50.10 per quarter, which constitutes a reduction of $2.10 per quarter from the previous
contract. A senior citizen discount of 10% is available for those eligible
residents who have turned 62 years of age. The new contract also
includes provisions for two consecutive one (1) year options for 2017 and
2018 if the Township elects to exercise these options. Quarterly rates for
those years would be $52.50 and $54.15 respectively.
Recyclables for pickup include bi-metallic and aluminum cans, clear and
colored glass, and plastic containers (HDPE, PET types 1–7). Collection of
newspaper and magazine print will continue to be provided.
Residents and businesses are reminded that it shall be unlawful for any
person to collect and /or transport waste from any residential, public,
commercial, industrial or institutional establishment within the Township without first
obtaining a license to do so. In addition, all households, homeowners, and commercial
and institutional establishments within the Township shall utilize the services of a
licensed collector for disposal of their domestic waste or household waste and shall pay
the charges billed by the licensed collector for such services.
46 Canon-Mac