IN Canon-Mac Fall 2024 | Page 46




North Strabane Township , the Authority , local news all speak of inflow and infiltration into the sanitary sewer system or for short I / I . What does that mean to you and how does it affect the Community or your home .

First let ’ s look at what is inflow and infiltration . Inflow is unwanted water that flows into the collection system from above-ground sources , which includes roof and foundation drains connected to the sanitary system . infiltration is used to describe the excess water that seeps , trickles or flows into old or damaged collection systems through pipes or manholes from the surrounding soil .
Inflow and Infiltration decreases the efficiency and capacity of wastewater collection pipes , manholes and treatment systems , which can impact growth of a Community .
Inflow and Infiltration can cause hydraulic overloading of treatment process which can affect public health and safety of our waterways .
Inflow and Infiltration can cause sewage overflows that lead to backups or flooding onto streets and private properties . Why is the sewage overflow issue important ? Overflows not only violate the Federal Clean Water Act , but they cause a host of other problems for the community and the region as a whole . Raw sewage in our waterways causes a public health risk . Sewage discharged into the waterways may flow downstream into water treatment plant intakes affecting our drinking water .
The water quality may be unacceptable for boating , swimming or fishing for many days after it stops raining . Overflows can kill fish and other river and plant life . Experts have proven , as much as 50 % -60 % of inflow and infiltration comes from leaking household laterals and illegally connected
roof and foundation drains . The average daily wastewater flow in the sewer system is 100 gallons per person per day . During wet weather , so much additional water gets into the sewer system through infiltration and inflow that the 100 gallon per person average can rise to 200-3,000 gallons per person , which overloads the sewer system ’ s carrying capacity . What is my role as a homeowner ? Regular maintenance of your home / building sewer will to help to identify defects in the pipe as well as problems waiting to happen . Contracting with a plumber to inspect your building sewer with a specialized closed circuit television camera will also identify if groundwater is leaking into your building sewer during wet weather . Have your stormwater drains checked to ensure they are not improperly connected to the sanitary sewer system . If your storm drains are connected to the sanitary sewer system , you must consult a professional to remove this prohibited connection . Consider installing a rain barrel in your yard or garden . During wet weather , the barrel collects stormwater through your home ’ s downspout . During dry weather , a hose connected to the barrel allows water to seep out to water your yard or garden . This helps to control stormwater , which contributes to sewage overflows polluting our waterways . It also reduces water consumption , therefore , reducing your monthly sewer bill .
Fixing the problem in our Township will require a substantial financial investment . The Authority budgets funds annually to inspect and rehabilitate the main sewer lines and manholes that collect sewage and convey to the two treatment plants .
Recently the Authority was awarded two grants ; the first in the amount of $ 223,000 for the rehabilitation of the sewers in the Glen Cannon area and the second for $ 200,000 for the extension of the sewer service on Lindley Road . The estimated construction costs just for these two projects is over $ 950,000 .
While the Authority is seeking the most cost-effective methods for a solution to I / I , homeowners can expect higher sewage rates over the coming years unless everyone works together to reduce the effects of wet weather . It will take the cooperation and support of many individuals and communities to ensure a solution that will protect our region ’ s water resources .

Cardiac arrest – an electrical malfunction in the heart that causes an irregular heartbeat ( arrhythmia ) and disrupts the flow of blood to the brain , lungs and other organs – is a leading cause of death . Each year , more than 350,000 EMS-assessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur in the United States .

When a person has a cardiac arrest , survival depends on immediately receiving CPR from someone nearby . According to the American Heart Association , about 90 percent of people who suffer out-ofhospital cardiac arrests die . CPR , especially if performed immediately , can double or triple a cardiac arrest victim ’ s chance of survival .
Watch the 90-second video . Scan the code to watch the Hands-Only CPR instructional video and share it with the important people in your life . Hands-Only CPR is a natural introduction to CPR , and the AHA encourages everyone to learn conventional CPR as a next step . For more information on CPR / AED classes contact Captain Dante Sicchitano at djsicchitano @ nstfd . org or 724.745.1010 .