Halloween Safety : Halloween can bring many fun events such as haunted houses , trick or treat , and costume parties . All of these events can bring people together and be a lot of fun . To ensure your 2022 Halloween is safe and enjoyable please read the safety tips below .
• When picking out a costume look for “ flame resistant ” labels . Halloween events often incorporate candle-lit pumpkins or bonfires . It is important you have a fire safe costume in case of accidental contact with a flame
( American Academy of Pediatrics ).
• To prevent and avoid accidental contact with flames a battery operated light can be utilized to light a carved pumpkin . If you still choose to use a candle just be cognizant of where you place the pumpkins . Avoid placing candle-lit pumpkins in high foot traffic areas and remember to not leave them unattended .
• Carving pumpkins is one of the most known Halloween activities and is often a great way for families to spend time together . It is important to keep sharp carving tools away from young children when carving pumpkins to prevent any accidental cuts .
( American Academy of Pediatrics )
• Trick or Treating is a great way for kids to show off their costumes and consume copious amounts of sugar-filled treats . Be sure that younger children are supervised on Trick or Treat and make sure older children pair together in groups .
• Always inspect your children ’ s candy when they arrive home . Avoid any pre-opened or handmade treats unless made by someone you know well .
• Be sure children are equipped with reflective gear so they can be seen easily by motorists . If possible , try to walk in well-lit areas and utilize crosswalks to prevent any motorist vs . pedestrian accidents .
( American Academy of Pediatrics )
• Along with a candy filled night , Trick or Treat can also bring out the mischievous side of people . If you see any suspicious activity , call 911 to have a police response .
All in all , fall is a time full of social events that bring the community together . The North Strabane Police Department hopes to see you out roasting marshmallows and enjoying the cool weather . We will be doing routine patrols through the community on the night of Trick or Treat as we have in the previous years . This year we will be dressed as North Strabane Township Police Officers '. Our cruisers are not houses but they will have lights on and be equipped with candy , so , be sure to stop by and grab some treats .
Retirees and New Hires
North Strabane Township would like to thank Drew Gasper , Bob Davy and Albert Paul for their many years of service . Drew worked for the North Strabane Township Public Works for 50 years , Bob dedicated 43 years , and Al was with the Public Works team for over 40 years . All of these men were assets to the Road Department and greatly appreciated . They can tell you a lot of history about the growth and development of North Strabane over the years . Next snow , just sit back and relax , you earned it . Thank you for serving our community .
Also , the North Strabane Public Works Department welcomes three new hires . Stefan Pernsik , Eric Miller , and Jimmie Maier all come with road knowledge and construction experience . They will be great assets to the Road crew .
Stefan ( left ) Eric ( right )
References American Academy of Pediatrics . Halloween Health & Safety Tips . healthychildren . org / english / safety-prevention / all-around / pages / halloween-safety-tips . aspx
North Strabane Township . Fire Prevention and Fire Protection : Open Burning . ecode360 . com / 14457019
Pennsylvania Game Commission . ( n . d .). Safe Hunting Tips . cribbr . com / apa-examples / goverment-document /
Albert Paul Jimmie Maier
CANON-MAC ❘ FALL 2022 47